Jun 16 2023 16 mins
Unless it's pesto pasta, fish & chips or pizza, George, 8, will complain about what I've cooked for dinner.
Earlier this week, I could see that he needed to offload some big feelings he was carrying. He'd been quick to temper for a while and so I used his refusal to eat my (delicious!) dinner to help him with his upset.
I set the limit and I listened to his rage....
In this episode I share about what happened:
- how he reacted
- what I did to set the limit
- how it's different to listen now that he's 8
- how I integrated play
- how he was afterwards
For respectful, playful and effective parenting strategies and 6 weeks of support, join me inside Annoying to AMAZING! This is perfect if you have a child aged 1-8 years.
If you would like more personalised mentoring, join me 1:1 each fortnight for 3 months.