Dec 20 2024 13 mins
DAY TWENTY - Give First, Happy Hanukkah, Merry GIVE-mas, Santa news and more
Welcome to the podcast! We are on Day 20 - this is going by really fast!
Our topic today covers Giving to Others
Today we look at giving to others being a giving person is very special
Christmas can be a time of great excitement and mystery
We can't wait to see the gifts piled around the tree
We enjoy giving and receiving gifts
but what if there was a gift that did not come wrapped in a box with shiny christmas wrapping paper, no bow, and it didn't rattle around in the box when yo shook it?
Giving first before getting isn’t always easy us to understand when we are young.
When we give, we focus on others and today we are going to look at 4 ways that we can continue to be generous throughout the year.
1. The Joy of Giving
can you be just as happy giving a gift this year as you are receiving one?
when we find joy in giving we unlock joy in our lives
giving to others is not just a one day christmas event - it can be everyday
2. Share your Talents
Giving doesn't always require money, a store or a purchase - you can give something that nobody else can give - you are unique and special.
what is one thing you are awesome at doing - play the piano, write a poem? Be creative - because giving does not always cost money
3. Generous with Time
We love to do, what we love to do
when we put away the things that we want to do - like our phones, tablets and gaming - we create time for others
time is valuable because they don't make more of it
who can you give more of your time to?
4. Generous with Kindness
Be generous and kind with your words
your words can make people strong or weak
give back to others by building them up and making others around you important
Let's give our best this year, even if it does not come from a store