Sep 18 2023 56 mins
"Whether it's the stress of a physical illness or the stress of emotional stuff or the stress of moving, it's all going in the same bucket from our body's perspective. I was pouring more and more in there when what I needed was to get a bigger bucket and take some stuff out." - Becca Benning
Becca Benning has multiple chronic conditions, but it was her multiple sclerosis diagnosis that made her dive into Terry Wahls' research and the autoimmune protocol diet to find what would ease her symptoms. What Becca found made such a difference in her own health, she started helping other people living with an autoimmune condition (diagnosed or not) work thought the autoimmune protocol.
Discussed in this episode:
- Wanting better health vs. vitality.
- The surprising change she found when going gluten-free.
- Why working with where a person is currently is more important than strictly following a diet.
Learn more about Becca:
For more on today's guest and transcripts of this episode, visit: Live Your Life, Not Your Diagnosis Podcast
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Please note this podcast does not promote any specific therapy. Consult your doctor before making any changes to your medications, therapies, and treatments. The ideas and stories discussed in this podcast are the host and guest's personal opinions and experiences only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness. Listener discretion is advised.
Mentioned in this episode:
Like the podcast? Get the books! My books, Live Your Life, Not Your Diagnosis and Stop Carrying the Weight of Your MS are available now, wherever books are sold.