Jan 13 2024 40 mins
Let His Mind Be In You
By Tammy Lacock
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5 KJV).
This week, Warren Litzman shows that as brand-new creations in Christ, we now have the same spirit that was in Christ by His death on the cross. And by His Spirit, we have His mind readily available (1 Corinthians 2:16).
Warren takes us into the mind of Christ on the cross as a means of understanding His mind, His deep relationship with the Father and the heart of God’s plan—God’s deepest desire to have sons and daughters in His house—can now be fulfilled.
If we can understand Christ’s mind throughout His ministry and, most importantly at the cross, then we might be able to let go of our old mindsets, along with our old selves nailed at the cross, and allow His mind to come through us. The Apostle Paul was the only man raised up by Christ Himself who understood our new life in Christ and what it takes to actually live it. He knew our minds are still attached to our old selves, the self that died at the cross with Christ. He tells us to be “transformed by the renewing of [our] minds.”
By the help of the Holy Spirit, who comforts and teaches us of our new life in Christ, we can begin to cultivate a unique and personal relationship with the Christ that now lives in us. As our knowledge and relationship with Him deepens, we learn to let go and let His mind come through.