Darl Champion Talks Tort Reform, Farming vs. Hunting Cases and Relationships, Problems with Large Settlement Mill Firms, Inspiration for his Linked In Posts and Always Play in Your Own Sandbox

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Feb 06 2025 77 mins  

Darl Champion of the Champion Firm joins us for episode 145 of Sports 'N Torts. Darl grew up in North Carolina as the son of a college professor. School was not initially for Darl and his entrepreneurial spirit had him heading down the road to becoming an auto mechanic and running his own auto shop. Ultimately he ended up at Law School and that same entrepreneurial spirit has him successfully running his law firm - The Champion Firm. I could have talked for Darl for days.

We discussed:

-being a parent as the most important job we have;

-his path to Law School;

-Clerking for a Federal Judge and what that taught him;

-Tort Reform and why it is wrong and what it will not fix;

-Presenting cases to a jury and not focusing on sympathy

- focusing on the motivation of juries to get it right;

-Lessons learned after a loss at trial;

-Developing the firm that you want and figuring out your unique selling propositions;

-Learning what works for your firm and not playing in others sand boxes by just throwing money blindly at marketing;

-Farming relationships over time that lead to cases and clients;

-Problems with Runners in the personal injury space and how to combat it;

-How he uses social media and specifically Linked In to broadcast his message to the world and showcase his authority in the profession;

-Sports analogies in the law and business;


-Going to sporting events and concerts with peers and colleagues;

-Braves moving forward;

-his podcast - The Championing Justice Podcast

And much more. I know you will enjoy this one.

As always, this episode is powered by the J. Stein Law Firm - a personal injury law firm in Atlanta, GA - www.jsteinlawfirm.com