Oct 04 2024 57 mins
Welcome back to another enlightening episode of The Cosmic Nurse podcast. In this episode,
join Rosie and Ashley as they delve into the importance of indigenous wisdom, personal
sovereignty, and integrity in the psychedelic community. This episode offers transformative
insights for those seeking healing and connection in their spiritual practices.
1. Belief in Possibility: Embrace the idea that anything is possible through the seeds of
intention we plant.
2. Personal Sovereignty: Foster individual empowerment and dialogue with plant medicines
for deeper healing.
3. Integrity and Intuition: Cultivating intuition is essential for maintaining integrity in both
personal and professional practices.
Join Rosie, the Cosmic Nurse, as she engages with Ashley, shining light on the powerful
intersections of culture, healing, and spirituality.
● Ashley’s Website: https://www.psychedelicguidenetwork.com/?r_done=1
● Ashley’s Instagram: @psychedelicguidenetwork - @theashleycarmenjourney