Jan 29 2025 29 mins 7
Actually, the title of this week's episode is a little misleading - after all, why do you need to deal with something that, in reality, isn't there.
Yes, whilst everyday life is full or pressure and challenge, stress is imaginary, in the mind of the beholder.
That doesn't make stress any less life-destroying, literally. Everyday stress kills, like death by a thousand cuts. Everyday stress damages the cardiovascular, digestive and immune systems - but not, not ever, beyond repair.
You can choose to rid your life of stress today - you don't even have to image something different from your imaginary stress, you just have to come to your senses.
In this episode, we explore how two-step cognitive appraisal triggers stress - in other words, what's happening to you doesn't trigger your stress, what you think about what you think is happening and how you think you might be able to handle it... all that thinking is what triggers your stress and, in the process, makes what might be a small, everyday challenge, feel like a life-threatening situation.
All this is automated but that does not mean that there's nothing that you can do about it.
On the contrary - the small steps that you must take to rid your life of stress are as easy and as natural as breathing in and out.
And ridding your life of stress is only the beginning because, once free of that thought-fuelled downward spiral, you're free to start living the kind of life you're meant to be living, one that's filled with perfect moments.