Jun 06 2024 33 mins
In this episode, Mikel and Jeremy discuss the value of short-term mission trips by sharing personal experiences and addressing common criticisms. They emphasize the importance of avoiding a savior complex, supporting career missionaries, developing a global view of the church, and bringing back valuable lessons to apply at home. They also highlight the Engage Network initiative, aiming to better equip and mobilize churches for effective local and international missions. The conversation touches on the need for intentionality and proper goals to ensure that short-term missions are truly impactful.
00:07 Personal Experiences with Short Term Missions
02:28 Criticisms of Short Term Missions
04:01 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Short Term Missions
05:45 Avoiding the Savior Complex
07:40 Cultural Insights and Personal Growth
12:49 Supporting Career Missionaries
17:23 Developing a Global View of the Church
22:46 Sharpening Ministry at Home
28:41 The Engage Network: A New Approach
31:36 Conclusion: Effective Short Term Missions
Join the Engage Network:https://www.allthingsallpeople.org/church-partnership