Feb 25 2025 48 mins
D. Yvonne Rivers is a returning guest. She is the host of the Birth Moms Real Talk Podcast.
Since 1988, D. Yvonne Rivers Aka Phoebe has been a champion of a cause, from business success, domestic violence, re-entry, and adoption community. One facet of this global business expert is an esteemed speaker, facilitator, and trainer across the globe on four continents.
Another facet of this woman started in 1973 with the birth of her son who she championed for family assistance for support to raise as an unwed mother at age 19. Life changes as she ‘did her best’ to place her son in a loving home. Yvonne had such ambition and brilliance, finishing a pre-med program in 3 years and accepted to medical school.
Yvonne’s journey to become a ‘change-maker in her life and others began in 1973. Over 30 years, she continued the search with letters, journaling, speaking on panels and processing her grief and loss alone. Yvonne was unrelenting and never gave up. 2015 gave her a breakthrough with finding a picture of her son on social media. With boldness, she reached out, not knowing whether she would get rejection or acceptance.
The Courage of a Birth Mother Overcomes All. Yvonne met her son in 2018. Through sitting in rooms of support groups and conferences, Yvonne found she had created a pathway of peace as a Birth Mother for herself and the “Now” is the time to help others in the adoption constellation. Yvonne launched “Birth Moms Real Talk podcast in June 2021. After Season One, BMRT podcast has reached over 185,000 persons and over five thousand downloads. BMRT hosts Saturday Chats with all members of the triad and has an audience who write letters and comments of the magnificence impact in their lives.
Website: https://phoebemarketing.com/
Black Voices Amplified Link: https://birthmomsrealtalk.com/episode/episode-71-yvonnes-journey-live-podcast-at-black-voices-amplified-summit-2024
Music by Corey Quinn