This series is learning R' Itche Meir Morgenstern's sefer B'Yam Darkecha - Avoda L'maseh. It delves into chassidic concepts and teaches them in a practical & relatable way.
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00:00 Introduction
00:30 Simcha and Personal Control
01:05 Living in the Present
02:35 The Power of Starting Anew
06:12 The Concept of Falling and Rising
09:33 The Significance of the Present Moment in Personal Growth
19:04 Understanding Time and Renewal
24:04 Hametz and Personal Growth
25:20 The Power of Matzah: Embracing Change and Opportunity
29:43 Confronting the Challenges of Pesach
32:03 The Struggle with Past Failures and the Path to New Beginnings
37:43 Embracing the Moment: A Call to Action and Self-Improvement