Feb 19 2025 35 mins 5
This episode's title holds true, whether you're a normal crazy person or someone who has taken responsibility for your own state of mind.
What's going on within creates what you achieve and experience - it has nothing to do with anyone else but you.
If you're a normal crazy person, your everyday life is the result of a mass hallucination, a mass hypnosis driven by programmed, patterned, repetitive thought, which leads to a programmed, patterned, repetitive life - no wonder, when using our minds this way, we feel stuck, fearful of change and stressed (and much more besides).
Normal, shared, hallucinogenic thought creates an assumed reality that enough people share to provide us with the "comfort" that it must be OK. It's not.
Being the creator of your own life, as you are, you must ask yourself this key question:
"What kind of life do I really want to create for myself?"
This is actually a simpler question to answer than you might think. And this is one of the key questions that we address in this episode. I hope this discussion will enable you settle on the answer that you know (normal people don't know that they know!) to be the best answer for you and yours.
But, then, this episode goes on to explain how to create the life that's best for you and what results you can expect.
Worth 35mins of your time!