Sep 26 2024 23 mins 18
Employee Development
Employee talent development sounds scary to business owners and leaders, who fear that investing in an employee’s career encourages them to look for greener pastures elsewhere.
Managers will claim they don’t have time, that it’s really the employee’s responsibility, that they really can’t give employees what they want. So they’d rather ignore the situation because there’s no value in stirring the pot.
But today’s guest says that not helping employees develop and grow is a surefire way to make sure employees do leave. Does this mean you’re stuck in a no win situation? Listen to learn more.
What You’ll Discover About Employee Development:
* What employee development REALLY means
* How small conversations build engagement and inform employee development
* Why talent hording is not sustainable leadership
* How managers can start having employee development conversations if you haven’t done so before
* And much more
Guest: Julie Winkle Giulioni
Julie Winkle Giulioni is a champion for workplace growth and development. She believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to reach their potential. And she supports organizations and leaders who want to make that happen with keynote speeches, consulting, and training.
Julie is the author of Promotions Are So Yesterday: Redefine Career Development. Help Employees Thrive and the co-author of the international bestseller, Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Organizations Need and Employees Want, translated into seven languages.
She is a regular columnist for Training Industry Magazine and SmartBrief and contributes articles on leadership, career development, and workplace trends to numerous publications including The Economist.
Named by Inc. Magazine as a Top 100 Leadership Speaker, Julie’s in-person and virtual keynotes and presentations offer fresh, inspiring, yet actionable strategies for leaders who are interested in their own growth as well as supporting the growth of others.
Her firm, DesignArounds, creates and offers training products and experiences to organizations worldwide and has earned praise and awards from Human Resource Executive Magazine’s Top Ten Training Products, New York Film Festival, Brandon Hall, and Global HR Excellence Council.
Related Resources:
If you liked this interview, you might also enjoy our other Human Resources episodes.
Contact Julie and connect with her on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
You might also enjoy Julie’s previous interview on the show: The Things Reliable Employees Need to Hear You Ask For Better Employee Career Development.
Julie’s books: Promotions Are So Yesterday: Redefine Career Development. Help Employees Thrive and Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Organizations Need and Employees Want
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