Oct 23 2024 18 mins
So many parents of my Math Astronauts come to me and ask, “How can I get my child to focus?” Whether or not they’re taking medication or have been diagnosed with ADHD, many kids struggle to stay focused on homework and during class.
This episode shares holistic tips to stay focused at school and home. I share these ways on how to stay focused on homework with my students and parents, and they’ve worked for me, too!
*I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. Please consult with your doctor.
Episode Show Notes:
Need help studying math and being organized? Download my OMG for ADHD freebie and I provide you my best practices on how your child can get ahead in math and learn how to become organized and clutter free from home.
To learn more go to: www.LailaAlieh.com