Jan 08 2025 53 mins 2
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Our Story
Iona. This island in the Scottish Hebrides is only three miles long, but it's home to untold spiritual, cultural, and natural magic.
In this excerpt from the spiritual memoir, The Geography of the Soul, author Royce Fitts invites us to meet the wild divine feminine energies that are embodied on this sacred land.
Our Guest
Royce Fitts is a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified dream worker, with a doctorate in ministry.
His book The Geography of the Soul: Dreams, Reality and the Journey of a Lifetime blends memoir, political and social consciousness, and spiritual wisdom and takes you to a hidden gem in the midst of the English countryside: the Ridgeway National Trail.
Royce is a long-time writing coaching client. I have had the immense pleasure and privilege of walking alongside him throughout the writing process.
Order Geography of the Soul from your favorite bookseller.
The audiobook edition is now available. Download it now.
Our Conversation
- This book grew out of Royce’s 2016 journey: a “conscious hike” on the Ridgeway National Trail, the oldest road in England and Europe.
- The role of dreams in our lives and the strange, evolutionary instinct to dream.
- Royce describes his relationship to the Crone of Iona and what he learned about his own masculinity while held by the sacred feminine.
- What is it like to embody masculine “god” energy in a healthy way? Royce invites us to have an intimate conversation with the feminine and masculine divinity within us.
- Royce’s lived paradox: he is a mystic, wizard, shaman in this world, but his work takes him to the heart of the US military where he is a military and family life counselor
- An invocation of vitality, and why it is so important to dream and to value our dreams.
Music at the start of the show is by Beth Sweeney and Billy Hardy: billyandbeth.com
- 1:1 Writing Coaching: If you are working on a spiritual memoir or wellness professional or a creative entrepreneur who wants to use stories to build your business, book a free consultation with Marisa. Learn more at writingcoachmarisa.com
- Learn about group writing opportunities: www.marisagoudy.com/writing-groups
- Find more of Marisa's writing and get a copy of her book, The Sovereignty Knot: www.marisagoudy.com