Oct 03 2023 39 mins 2
What does a small town Mayor do?
In our discussion, Janice Kovach dives into her role as a strong Mayor in Clinton, NJ, a destination town of 2700 and growing. “ A lot of it is infrastructure, it’s not sexy and fun, it’s get your hands dirty.” She also speaks passionately about how rewarding and fun it can be “I get to talk to kids at school and perform weddings anywhere in the state.”
Kovach was elected mayor of Clinton, New Jersey, in 2011. From 2004-2006, she was a councilwoman in Clinton. She has also served as the Director of the New Jersey Division on Women, a position appointed by the governor.
Kovach attended Thomas Edison State College, where she earned a degree in business administration. She has held management positions at Prudential, Fleet, and NatWest Banks. Kovach also actively volunteers and has served as a Trustee of the Red Mill Museum Village, as President and Trustee of the CPS Partners in Education Foundation, and on the boards of the Girl Scouts Heart of NJ, United Way Women’s Leadership Council, and the Women’s Heart Foundation. She was also an appointee to the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council and was a Leadership NJ Fellow (Class of 2009).