Feb 15 2025 22 mins
Happy Valentine’s Day, Habit Thrivers!
On Episode #139 of the Habit Thrive Podcast, we are continuing to explore and expand our heart focus.
And today’s subject is a simple, yet powerful tool that is a mood and well-being booster that just about anyone can do: Hugging.
Giving (and receiving) hugs is so amazing for our health and wellbeing, and today we will start out by exploring the scientific reasons behind the “why”.
- Lowers Heart Rate & Blood Pressure
- Releases Oxytocin ("The Love Hormone")
- Reduces Stress & Improves Heart Coherence
- Strengthens Emotional Resilience
- Enhances Circulation & Immune Function
Next, we’re going to discover how many hugs we should be experiencing on a daily basis (and for how long) to fully reap the benefits.
Spoiler alert: The number varies based on whether you want to just survive or thrive!
And, lastly, we’re going to talk about how we can make hugging a habit.
I’m boosting this hugging habit with a fun little challenge, so tune in and join me as a hugger-in-training!
Lorrie xoxox
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Website: lorriemickelson.com
Habits, Mindfulness Routines & Self Care For Women 50 & Beyond