HashiCorp Vault Tutorial for Beginners - What, Why and How

Jan 16 2025 29 mins   4
Full HashiCorp Vault Tutorial explaining What is HashiCorp Vault, How Vault works, Vault Architecture

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HashiCorp Vault is a secrets management tool that securely stores and controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other sensitive data. It provides a unified interface to securely manage secrets across applications, systems, and infrastructure while offering features like encryption, access control policies, key rotation, and detailed audit logging.

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Kubernetes Security Best Practices ► https://youtu.be/oBf5lrmquYI

▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📚 HashiCorp Vault Explained - What You'll learn ▬▬▬▬▬▬
📗 What is HashiCorp Vault
📗 What are Secrets? Why it's important to secure them?
📗 What is "Secret Sprawl"
📗 Problems with "Secret Sprawl"
📗 Capabilities of Secret Management Tools:
Storage, Encryption, Access Control, Audit and Compliance
📗 Why and What is Dynamic Secrets Functionality of Vault
📗 Why and What is Encryption as a Service in Vault
📗 Vault Architecture - How Vault Works:
Vault Core, Secret Engines, Storage Backend, Authentication Methods, Audit Devices

▬▬▬▬▬▬ T I M E S T A M P S ⏰ ▬▬▬▬▬▬
00:00 - Overview
00:32 - What are Secrets? Why it's important to secure them?
03:53 - Challenges of Storing Secrets
06:30 - 2 Huge Problems with Secret Sprawl
08:53 - Capabilities of Secret Management Tools
12:03 - Dynamic Secrets in Vault
15:16 - Encryption as a Service
18:36 - How Vault works - Vault Architecture
27:47 - Summary

▬▬▬▬▬▬ Want to learn more? 🚀 ▬▬▬▬▬▬
Full Python course ► https://youtu.be/t8pPdKYpowI
Full Docker course ► https://youtu.be/3c-iBn73dDE
Full K8s course ► https://youtu.be/X48VuDVv0do
DevOps Tools explained ► https://bit.ly/2W9UEq6

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