Mar 24 2025 21 mins 404
In this follow-up to last week’s Calling All “Good Girls” episode, Dr. Becky dives deeper into embracing the role of the “inconvenient woman.” What begins with a simple “I want my coffee my way” moment evolves into a powerful realization: Identifying, owning, and articulating our desires as women can be incredibly uncomfortable. Dr. Becky encourages all self-identifying “Good Girls” to reflect on what they truly want for themselves and to embrace the inconvenience that comes with pursuing it.
Do you want to learn more about how we're celebrating being an inconvenient woman at Good Inside? Check out the link here:
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To listen to Dr. Becky's TED Talk on repair visit
Today’s episode is brought to you by Ritual. You know that feeling when you’re going a million miles an hour, jumping from one thing to the next? You’re trying to finish an email when you remember the laundry’s still in the washer, your kid is shouting about needing poster board for a project due tomorrow, your pone won’t stop buzzing, and—oh, great—you forgot that tonight is parent-teacher conferences. Sometimes, life is just… a lot.
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Today’s episode is brought to you by Airbnb. Traveling during spring break can feel tricky because we can’t necessarily take time off work when our kids are off from school. And trying to join a Zoom meeting from your hotel room or your in-laws' kitchen doesn’t always feel great. This is why I love Airbnb when we travel–I can find a place with plenty of room to spread out, including a desk or table for dedicated work time, making it easier to have dedicated connection time with my kids. And, if you’re thinking of traveling for spring break, consider hosting your home on Airbnb, too! It’s a great way to help offset the cost of booking one yourself while opening up your space for another family also traveling! Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at