Jul 31 2024 73 mins 34
【聊了什么The What】
“Minor Feelings”是由韩裔美国作家诗人Cathy Park Hong的一本书,通过回忆录、文化批评和历史回顾的方式探讨了亚裔美国人流动的身份、情感和经历。作者自己作为一个“东亚女儿”和“少数族裔作家”的多重身份让她能敏锐地感受一系列仿佛已经成为日常的羞耻、愤怒和自我怀疑。在美国这样一个高度种族化的社会,亚裔往往被塑造成“模范少数族裔”,他们的勤奋和成功成了主流社会维护现状的工具。然而,当他们感受到种族歧视时,这套话术往往又会阻止亚裔美国人的表达。这些因为边缘身份产生的”微妙情感“(minor feelings)与美国关于种族的主流叙事相冲突,和亚裔美国人这个群体一样在黑白分明的种族讨论中被忽视或误解。
"Minor Feelings" is a book by Korean-American poet and writer Cathy Park Hong that explores the fluid identity, emotions, and experiences of Asian Americans through memoir, cultural criticism, and historical review. As an "East Asian daughter" and a "minority writer," Hong keenly perceives a range of everyday feelings of shame, anger, and self-doubt. In the highly racialized society of America, Asians are often cast as the "model minority," with their diligence and success used as tools to uphold the status quo of mainstream society. However, when they experience racial discrimination, this narrative often stifles Asian Americans' expressions. These "minor feelings" that arise from marginalization conflict with the mainstream American narratives about race and, like the Asian American community, are often overlooked or misunderstood in the black-and-white racial discourse.
Recently translated into Chinese and published in China, we took this opportunity to invite our good friend, Duke University professor Eileen Chow, to discuss racial consciousness, the model minority myth, and the impact of historical events on personal and collective identity.
We also shared our own immigration experiences and how these subtle feelings arise in our everyday situations.
【时间轴 The When】
00:29 《少数派的感受》:一本探讨亚裔美国人身份和经历的重要著作
02:50 解析“微妙情绪“:少数族裔在美国的日常挣扎
08:06 一代移民与二代移民的经历对比
13:40 亚裔美国人身份认同的复杂性
20:20 大学里的亚裔学生组织:寻找归属感
31:03 Eileen和小蓝在职场中的微妙种族歧视经历
45:14 亚裔内部的代际矛盾:政治立场的分歧
52:23 共同体意识的形成与挑战
01:17:22 多元文化经历作为一种“超能力”
01:24:39 如何利用自己的特权推动社会进步
00:29 “Minor Feelings”: A crucial book exploring Asian American identity and experiences
02:50 Analyzing “minor feelings”: Daily struggles of minorities in America
08:06 Comparing first-generation and second-generation immigrant experiences
13:40 The complexity of the Asian American identity
20:20 Asian student organizations in college: Searching for belonging
31:03 Eileen and Xiaolan's experience with subtle racial discrimination in the workplace
45:14 Generational conflicts and political stance divergences within Asian communities
52:23 Forming a coalition and a collective consciousness
01:17:22 Multicultural experiences as a “superpower”
01:24:39 Reflecting on how to use privilege to drive social progress
【拓展链接 The Links】
Letter to My Child: Cathy Park Hong on the Peculiar Rhythms of Life During Quarantine
【疲惫红书 CyberRed】
Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content to talk about our readings, what we are watching, the events we are going to, and more. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu!
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