You Say Azure, I Say Azure

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Feb 05 2025 98 mins  
Al and Codey talk about Mini Mini Farm


00:00:00: Theme Tune

00:00:30: Intro

00:01:33: What Have We Been Up To

00:11:26: I Know What You Released Last Month

00:13:57: Game News

00:28:37: New Games

00:41:43: Other News

00:56:24: Mini Mini Farm

01:33:42: Outro

Piczel Cross: Rune Factory Release Date

Space Sprouts Release Date

Luma Island: Pirates

Ranch of Rivershine “1.7” Update

Horticular: Frozen Frontier

Melobot: A Last Song OST

Sky Harvest

Pheonix Labs Layoffs

ConcernedApe NPR Interview

Reuters Cozy Gaming Interactive Article


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(0:00:30) Al: Hello farmers, and welcome to another episode of the harvest season. My name is Al,

(0:00:36) Codey: And my name is Cody!

(0:00:37) Al: and we are here today to talk about cottagecore games.

(0:00:42) Codey: Oh woo!

(0:00:44) Al: It’s like a pack of wolves.

(0:00:50) Codey: I’m never gonna un-hear that now.

(0:00:51) Al: We this episode, we are going to talk about many, many farm because apparently we’re doing two

(0:00:59) Al: mobile games in a row because you did Animal Crossing last week. And then we’re doing many,

(0:01:00) Codey: Mm-hmm.

(0:01:04) Codey: Yeah.

(0:01:05) Codey: Yeah.

(0:01:06) Al: many farm this week. And yeah, I just realized that today. I was like, Oh, yeah,

(0:01:08) Codey: Yes, I forgot about that.

(0:01:13) Al: two in a row. Interesting. Oh, well, we’re making Cody work for their title of

(0:01:19) Al: mobile correspondent.

(0:01:20) Codey: Yep, I’m here for it. For sure. And I am still actively playing mobile games.

(0:01:21) Al: Before that, well, yes, so before that we have news, I’m going to overview the

(0:01:31) Al: January releases because it’s now February. But first of all, Cody, what have you been up to?

(0:01:36) Codey: Um, so, uh, definitely been playing many, many farm. Um, because of the last episode.

(0:01:42) Al: Oh yeah, that’s what MMF stands for.

(0:01:44) Codey: Yeah.

(0:01:44) Al: I was like, what’s MMF?

(0:01:45) Al: Many, many fun, of course.

(0:01:46) Codey: And many, many farm.

(0:01:48) Codey: Um, because of Johnny, I am now cursed to be playing Animal Crossing pocket camp.

(0:01:54) Al: A game which you hadn’t played for the podcast, you know, playing

(0:01:59) Al: because of the podcast.

(0:02:00) Codey: Correct.

(0:02:01) Al: Oops.

(0:02:02) Codey: Um, I had played it when it was like not the complete.

(0:02:06) Codey: Like paid version.

(0:02:06) Codey: Um, but because we were talking about it and I saw that it was like cheap and then it was possibly going to become less cheap.

(0:02:14) Codey: And I’ve been doing really well with budgeting lately.

(0:02:16) Codey: I was like, you know what?

(0:02:18) Codey: I can, I can afford 10 bucks.

(0:02:18) Codey: So, and I don’t, I don’t know.

(0:02:20) Al: Yes. Do we have the actual date? I know that it’s very soon, or it’s, like, just in the

(0:02:26) Al: past, but it wasn’t when the podcast episode came out.

(0:02:30) Codey: And unfortunately I have now bought it.

(0:02:32) Codey: So I have no way of checking because I’m pretty sure.

(0:02:35) Al: Ah, it was the 31st of January. So, if you bought it when the last episode came out,

(0:02:36) Codey: Okay.

(0:02:38) Codey: So now it is what?

(0:02:38) Codey: 20 bucks.

(0:02:42) Al: or the two days after that, you were good. Otherwise, sorry, too late. And now it’s, yeah, $20.

(0:02:48) Codey: So, I’ve been playing that. I’ve also been playing, still been playing Honeygrove, still

(0:02:58) Codey: really sucked into Honeygrove. And I, you know, it’s so funny because we, whenever we would

(0:03:01) Al: You’re just playing all the mobile games.

(0:03:06) Codey: cover them before, it’s like, yay, I can uninstall it now. And the last couple ones, I’ve been

(0:03:12) Codey: like, oh, no, I want to keep playing this. So, yeah, I do.

(0:03:14) Al: Mm-hmm, oops.

(0:03:19) Codey: But it’s nice because I’m, you know, nearing the end, the other thing, quote unquote, I’ve been

(0:03:24) Codey: doing is is a PhD. And it is crunch time for sure now. So I pretty much like, I’m doing a lot of

(0:03:34) Codey: stuff all the time. If I’m not doing specimens, I’m writing if I’m not doing that, either of those

(0:03:40) Codey: two things I’m like, I’m always doing something. So this, this gives me a nice little like, okay,

(0:03:46) Codey: I’m gonna sit down for like a half an hour and just like

(0:03:48) Al: Mm, are you rotating through them or?

(0:03:48) Codey: brain off play these silly little games. Yeah, so every

(0:03:56) Codey: well, I guess I’m also playing too many games. I’m also playing

(0:04:02) Codey: Pokemon TCG pocket and the new thing just released. And so I

(0:04:08) Codey: always check that first. Let me look at my guess. I always

(0:04:11) Codey: check that first. And then I do honeygrove because I can like

(0:04:14) Codey: send everything off, like my little bees off on their

(0:04:17) Codey: or expeditions.

(0:04:18) Codey: And then I do pocket camp and then I do mini, mini farm for a little bit.

(0:04:23) Codey: And then if for whatever reason, I am bored after that, um, or not

(0:04:28) Codey: sucked into mini, mini farm, uh, I have my cross-stitch coloring out.

(0:04:30) Al: Hmm

(0:04:33) Codey: But yeah, that’s, that’s my, my, my brain off time now.

(0:04:33) Al: Fair enough

(0:04:40) Codey: Was it?

(0:04:40) Al: Nice, I have been playing a lot of Pokemon.

(0:04:45) Al: So I think last time we talked, Cody,

(0:04:47) Al: I was just nearly finished,

(0:04:47) Codey: Mm-hmm.

(0:04:50) Al: Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

(0:04:51) Codey: Mm-hmm.

(0:04:53) Al: I have now finished that, thank goodness.

(0:04:54) Codey: Okay.

(0:04:55) Codey: Yeah, you’re free.

(0:04:57) Al: So that one’s done.

(0:04:59) Al: And I was going to kind of maybe stop there,

(0:05:02) Al: but then I was like, no, I need to do Let’s Go as well.

(0:05:05) Al: So I did the Let’s Go Pokedex,

(0:05:08) Al: and I rushed through.

(0:05:10) Al: Uh, another save because I hadn’t recreated my Pokemon.

(0:05:15) Al: Let’s go Pikachu save.

(0:05:18) Al: So I did that.

(0:05:18) Al: So that now is done.

(0:05:19) Al: So all of my home DEXs are done except sword and shield.

(0:05:25) Al: So I’ve got the let’s go one.

(0:05:27) Al: I’ve got brilliant diamond, shining pearl.

(0:05:29) Al: I’ve got let’s go.

(0:05:30) Al: Arceus and I’ve got all this scarlet and violet ones.

(0:05:32) Al: They’re all done.

(0:05:33) Al: I haven’t done the sword and shield ones.

(0:05:35) Al: Um, and I now have a post game.

(0:05:40) Al: Save of every Pokemon Switch game, except shield.

(0:05:45) Al: So I’ve recreated all my saves, except that.

(0:05:46) Codey: Okay. Wow.

(0:05:49) Al: And I have done a professor Oak challenge now of every pair of games, except can you

(0:05:55) Al: guess?

(0:05:56) Al: No, no, there’s certain shield.

(0:05:56) Codey: Brilliant. I’m in shining girl. Oh, I don’t know. Okay. Okay.

(0:06:03) Al: So, so at some point, I would like to do a professor Oak challenge in shield.

(0:06:10) Al: Uh, and that does all three of those things.

(0:06:12) Al: It does a professor Oak challenge in, in that series of games.

(0:06:16) Al: It basically completes my home pocket X, right?

(0:06:19) Al: Cause you’re catching everything anyway.

(0:06:22) Al: Um, and it, it then me, it will mean I have a shield save in post game as well.

(0:06:27) Al: But I don’t think I’m going to do that now because I’m worried I might burn out on Pokemon.

(0:06:31) Codey: Mm-hmm.

(0:06:35) Al: And we don’t know yet when the new games coming out.

(0:06:38) Al: I don’t expect it to come out until-

(0:06:40) Al: november but we don’t know for certain and I don’t want them to be like come out and like me

(0:06:46) Al: spend the next month doing this and then they come out and then I burn out and I’m like okay

(0:06:50) Al: I’m done with pokemon for like six months and then they come out and say oh legends za is actually

(0:06:57) Al: coming out in April and I’m like oh no that is really soon so uh but I’m also worried that they

(0:07:05) Al: might do the release of pokemon for the home decks very soon and yeah sure I don’t-

(0:07:10) Al: need to do it as soon as it’s done of course I don’t need to but I will feel the drive to

(0:07:15) Al: do it at that point so I’m like do I actually just do the home decks just now and then leave

(0:07:21) Al: the professor oak challenge for another time but then why why not just do the professor oak challenge

(0:07:28) Al: but then I’m also the reason I was playing those games in January was because there weren’t any

(0:07:32) Al: games coming out that I was planning on playing for the podcast and now we have a billion of them

(0:07:35) Codey: Yeah, but it would be really inefficient to not just do it, do them together.

(0:07:38) Al: them coming out in February and March.

(0:07:40) Al: I’m probably going to just wait and do it all at the same time, probably next January.

(0:07:54) Codey: yep. yep.

(0:07:57) Al: Because January does tend to be quite a quiet period, but I guess that depends on when ZA

(0:08:04) Al: comes out.

(0:08:05) Al: Because if ZA comes out in November, I’m probably not going to want to do a Professor Oak challenge

(0:08:08) Al: of SHIELD.

(0:08:10) Al: In January, so maybe, maybe I’ll just wait till Pokemon Day and they’ll all they will almost definitely tell us the release date then right like there’s no way they’re not going to do that.

(0:08:22) Al: That reminds me, we want to do Pokemon Day predictions.

(0:08:26) Codey: Oh, okay, okay.

(0:08:28) Al: And Pokemon Day reactions greenhouse episode that gets us to this month.

(0:08:29) Codey: Mm-hmm.

(0:08:33) Codey: Mm-hmm.

(0:08:39) Al: so

(0:08:40) Al: all that to say I have played a lot of pokemon in the last month and a half a lot a lot a lot

(0:08:48) Al: of pokemon and I think like maybe like 120 hours over the last month and a half we’ve just pokemon

(0:08:56) Codey: Mm hmm. I’m shocked.

(0:08:58) Al: still not found a brilliant diamond shining pearl

(0:09:02) Al: still a big big fan of let’s go great games love them second best pokemon game

(0:09:11) Codey: Yeah, I really have been wanting to go back and replay. I have Eevee, but I also have

(0:09:17) Al: Mm-hmm. Yes, fair, fair, fair. So yeah, I’m probably Pokémon’d out for now, but we’ll see.

(0:09:21) Codey: else going on. So, yep.

(0:09:30) Al: I’ve also been keeping up with Harvestmen, Home Sweet Home. Look at me actually playing a farming

(0:09:36) Al: game a little bit a day. What a crazy idea. I know. So I’m now in chapter five, enjoying that.

(0:09:37) Codey: Wow not guzzling

(0:09:40) Codey: - I’m done.

(0:09:44) Al: I don’t know.

(0:09:45) Al: I don’t know what to do with that.

(0:09:47) Al: Yeah, actually, yeah, no, I will.

(0:09:49) Al: I’m enjoying it.

(0:09:51) Al: I’m enjoying playing this game.

(0:09:52) Al: This is a fun game.

(0:09:53) Codey: Mm-hmm.

(0:09:54) Al: It still has issues.

(0:09:56) Al: Absolutely.

(0:09:58) Al: The Cloud Save still not working for me two months later.

(0:10:02) Codey: I’m shocked.

(0:10:04) Al: But controller support has made it playable.

(0:10:07) Al: And it’s actually fun.

(0:10:10) Al: It’s no Stardew Valley.

(0:10:11) Al: I don’t care about the characters as much.

(0:10:14) Al: But there’s a lot to like about it.

(0:10:16) Al: and I’m hopeful for…

(0:10:17) Al: and I have also started playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure, which I did play when it came to Apple Arcade, so I played it for about a month and enjoyed it.

(0:10:33) Al: But then I was like, I am so fed up with playing on the touchscreen and let me tell you, playing with the controller infinitely better. So good!

(0:10:37) Codey: Yeah. Okay.

(0:10:41) Al: So I’ve been playing on my Steam Deck, I know that I know some people who are playing on…

(0:10:47) Al: which may or may not come up in a future episode, but yeah, no, it’s a good game. It is way better than it had any right to be.

(0:10:50) Codey: - Ooh.

(0:11:02) Al: I completely forgot until I started the game how the game starts and I’m like, I just love… it’s so ridiculous that it basically starts with a plane crash.

(0:11:11) Al: Because who would expect that in a Hello Kitty game? Alright, I think that’s everything. That’s what we’ve been…

(0:11:17) Al: We are going to continue the new segment, the month’s releases and the previous month’s releases. We’re going to talk about last month’s releases.

(0:11:18) Codey: Oh, woo. Oww, ow, ow, ow.

(0:11:31) Codey: Last month’s what what was released last month? I got you

(0:11:36) Al: Listeners, write in and tell us what this segment should be called, this monthly segment. What released last month?

(0:11:44) Al: January 2025 edition. Or should it be fae-

(0:11:47) Al: Maybe the 2025 edition, because last month would be January, but it’s like what would

(0:11:51) Al: have- what released last month?

(0:11:53) Codey: What are you what do you call it so like in?

(0:11:57) Codey: Start in stardivale correlate whatever when you go to sleep, and there’s like that recap screen

(0:12:02) Al: This summary…

(0:12:03) Codey: That’s all you call it. That’s all it’s called

(0:12:07) Al: He gla-la…

(0:12:07) Codey: Like the daily summary listeners. Let us know

(0:12:10) Al: I don’t know…

(0:12:11) Codey: What do you call that screen like when it tells you what you did for the day how much all your stuff sold?

(0:12:16) Codey: I think that whatever that is called is what this segment should be called because it’s like we just fell asleep on January

(0:12:23) Codey: And we’re waking up and it’s February, but let’s like think about the things that occurred last last month

(0:12:30) Al: I’m really struggling to Google this.

(0:12:31) Codey: Don’t work yeah, don’t worry about looking it up. They got a listeners have to tell us

(0:12:35) Al: Okay, so January, what released in January?

(0:12:41) Al: We have four releases in January 2025.

(0:12:44) Al: We got Harvest Hills, releasing mid-January the 15th.

(0:12:48) Al: We got Into the Emberlands, Not Wonderful, released on the 20th of January when we had

(0:12:54) Al: Hello Kitty Island Adventure on Steam and Switch that released on the 30th of January.

(0:12:58) Al: my little life which is our first

(0:13:01) Al: game of Rusty’s Like or as a developer of Rusty’s retirement is calling them bottom of the screen game

(0:13:06) Codey: boss game which he he like talked it up on the um on blue sky he like was like y’all

(0:13:06) Al: and that released on the 31st of January. So a kind of

(0:13:17) Codey: should get this game and now i’m looking at it oh it’s only five dollars and 39 cents

(0:13:24) Al: Yeah, it is dangerous.

(0:13:25) Codey: oh no it’s only it’s only windows oh I almost clicked it y’all I almost we good okay i’m

(0:13:34) Codey: I wish.

(0:13:36) Codey: Let it be not just Windows, my little life developer.

(0:13:39) Codey: I want to play this game.

(0:13:40) Codey: Thank you.

(0:13:42) Al: Yeah, so that’s the January releases, wild that I’m about to say this, but that’s a

(0:13:47) Al: quiet month. Four games is a quiet month, apparently.

(0:13:51) Codey: Yeah, not a lot going on.

(0:13:57) Al: Okay, so we’ve now got a bunch of news. We’re going to start with the gaming news. So first

(0:14:04) Al: up we have Pixel Cross Renfractory, they have announced a release date for this. So this is

(0:14:09) Al: like the pixel cross Stodio seasons.

(0:14:12) Al: It’s a Picross type game, but not Picross because Nintendo on the trademark to that kind of.

(0:14:21) Al: Yeah, you do your nonograms. I think that’s what the generic term people have been using,

(0:14:27) Al: nonograms. You do your nonograms and in the story seasons one, it like built up a farm

(0:14:34) Al: in the background as you do it. Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t know if they’ve shown

(0:14:36) Codey: is that is that what it is because it also says customize like in this trailer they say customize

(0:14:40) Al: and I’ll see you next time.

(0:14:42) Al: Yeah.

(0:14:43) Codey: your farm and I don’t and it like looks like you choose what like where things are placed and so

(0:14:50) Codey: that was one that was my only question was like I mean it’s coming some when it comes out folks

(0:14:55) Codey: can tell me unless people have been playing I don’t know if there’s a dummy

(0:14:57) Al: I don’t, I, yeah, oh, interesting.

(0:15:01) Al: So it does look like you can change things in this one.

(0:15:03) Al: So I’m pretty sure on the story of seasons one,

(0:15:06) Al: you just saw the farm build up and things grow

(0:15:09) Al: and you didn’t have any control over how it looked,

(0:15:12) Al: but you’re right, it does.

(0:15:13) Al: So it says customize your farm

(0:15:14) Al: and it shows different animals or monsters.

(0:15:17) Al: And then it shows you actually selecting

(0:15:19) Al: what weapon you want your character to have,

(0:15:21) Al: including a massive lollipop as an option.

(0:15:25) Al: So yeah, it looks like it’s more in depth.

(0:15:28) Codey: Well, I’m wondering if it’s just like you can control what it looks like in the background

(0:15:34) Codey: while you are, yeah.

(0:15:34) Al: I think that, yeah, I think that’s all it is.

(0:15:36) Al: I don’t think you’re actually doing any farming

(0:15:39) Al: or any battling, that just happens in the background

(0:15:41) Al: as you’re doing it, but in the story seasons one,

(0:15:44) Al: I’m pretty sure you couldn’t change how it looked.

(0:15:46) Codey: is it like learn how to do a carrot by doing a carrot learn how to plant

(0:15:52) Codey: carrots I like okay

(0:15:52) Al: It wasn’t even that much in the study seasons when it was literally, you do stuff and things grow in the background you weren’t really.

(0:16:00) Al: Yeah, there was nothing else.

(0:16:02) Codey: Sounds good. Some people are probably jumping for joy that

(0:16:06) Codey: there’s a new across game coming out. New an Autogram coming

(0:16:10) Al: nonagram yeah yes yeah anyway space sprouts have announced that they’re

(0:16:13) Codey: it’s like Kleenex. It’s like people say get a Kleenex but

(0:16:17) Codey: that’s a brand.

(0:16:21) Al: releasing on the 31st of March

(0:16:24) Codey: Mm-hmm. They’re also participating in Steam’s next fest, so…

(0:16:28) Al: Cody who isn’t

(0:16:30) Codey: Oh, okay, fine. They’re also moving on to the next part. Uh, I guess the only thing…

(0:16:33) Al: I mean I’d like I just I find the steam next fest stuff so funny because it’s

(0:16:40) Al: it doesn’t really mean anything it’s like it’s it’s like it’s like being part of

(0:16:45) Al: a sale right you can still do a sale whenever you want you can put your price

(0:16:48) Al: down whatever but it’s like if you do it at a specific time you might get on a

(0:16:50) Codey: Right. But that’s the thing, like there’s a specific list that they’ll get clicked on.

(0:16:52) Al: list

(0:16:55) Al: but the list is too long

(0:16:58) Codey: Okay, but like not every it is still selective, right? Like not hashtag not everyone gets on the

(0:17:02) Al: no I don’t I don’t think so I think anyone even get in the list

(0:17:03) Codey: list. Well, anyways, that’s from February 27 to March 3. But they are also looking for playtesters.

(0:17:12) Codey: So if you go to the show notes, go to the Steam page, etc, etc, you can figure out how to become

(0:17:18) Codey: on my playtester for space sprout.

(0:17:20) Al: Whoo! Yeah, what was this game again? I can’t… Oh yeah, it was like the 2D space. It was like,

(0:17:28) Al: yeah, I’m not describing that very well. But yeah, it was a 2D world where you’re floating around,

(0:17:30) Codey: Mm-hmm

(0:17:33) Codey: 2D floating in space. Yeah

(0:17:36) Al: yeah. Yeah, I’m very interested in this one. I wonder how it’s going to feel playing

(0:17:42) Al: farming in 0G. Although it does look like some of it has gravity, and some of it has gravity,

(0:17:44) Codey: Mm-hmm. I mean it’s interesting.

(0:17:50) Codey: Well, if I learned anything from the Martian, farming in 0G contains the recycling of human waste.

(0:17:58) Codey: So, very excited for that.

(0:18:00) Al: for sure next we have a free update coming to luma island and this is called pirates

(0:18:12) Codey: With an excolate your boy, pirates!

(0:18:15) Al: just pirates um it’s literally called luma island pirates what uh although I don’t think

(0:18:22) Al: the exclamation mark is actually part of the title because later down they say what’s coming

(0:18:26) Al: in Luma Island Pirates without the exclamation mark.

(0:18:29) Codey: Uh, I choose to believe, yes.

(0:18:30) Al: Don’t you always?

(0:18:32) Al: So this brings a pirate themed zone with new minigames, a new temple, traps and enemies, a new profession.

(0:18:44) Al: Johnny and Dallin I think, they both play it. They’ll be excited about a new profession.

(0:18:51) Al: A full screen map, that’s definitely something it needed. I was annoyed about not having the full screen map.

(0:18:56) Al: three new game modes,

(0:18:58) Al: including

(0:19:00) Al: hero mode and cozy mode.

(0:19:02) Al: I wonder what the third mode is.

(0:19:04) Al: I love how they’d say three modes

(0:19:04) Codey: I’m curious what the new profession is.

(0:19:06) Al: and they mentioned two of them.

(0:19:10) Codey: Is it piracy?

(0:19:12) Al: Oh, interesting. Yeah, that’s a good point.

(0:19:14) Al: It could be.

(0:19:14) Codey: Like goats?

(0:19:16) Al: Even if not actually,

(0:19:18) Al: piracy definitely could be related to that.

(0:19:20) Codey: Or like treasure hunting?

(0:19:20) Al: Yeah, that is a good point.

(0:19:22) Al: Yeah, well they do have a treasure hunter one already, I’m pretty sure.

(0:19:26) Codey: Okay, so it is piracy.

(0:19:28) Codey: Destroy this city and loot the people.

(0:19:30) Al: Maybe. You never know. You never know. Also, new outfits, quests, NPCs, Lumas, powers,

(0:19:34) Codey: Mutiny, mutiny your own.

(0:19:38) Codey: I’m very curious.

(0:19:44) Al: bonuses, and achievements. Yes, yeah, that is a free update. That is not a DLC. That

(0:19:46) Codey: Ooh, that’s a lot of content in a free update.

(0:19:52) Codey: Yeah.

(0:19:53) Al: is a free update. Coming soon. No date yet. Coming soon.

(0:19:58) Al: Speaking of updates.

(0:20:00) Al: RiverShine have announced their 1.7 update.

(0:20:05) Al: This is called Azure Coast Trail.

(0:20:08) Codey: what? No, say it, say it how you say it again. Oh, that’s so cool. We just say Azure. I like

(0:20:08) Al: Azure.

(0:20:09) Al: Azure.

(0:20:10) Al: How would you say it?

(0:20:13) Al: Azure.

(0:20:14) Al: Oh, no, Azure.

(0:20:18) Codey: your way of saying it. Continue.

(0:20:20) Codey: you.

(0:20:21) Codey: You’re welcome.

(0:20:21) Codey: You’re welcome.

(0:20:21) Al: Thank you.

(0:20:25) Al: This brings new competitions, horses, music, accessories, and loading screens.

(0:20:30) Codey: Oh, whoo, the loading screens look really good, like the the art.

(0:20:35) Codey: I mean, I’m betting that they have like a ton of humans that love this game

(0:20:39) Codey: and just are like, take here, take my art.

(0:20:41) Codey: The loading screens look really cool.

(0:20:43) Codey: And the new horse is like a cool new wild horse species.

(0:20:48) Codey: I almost look I.

(0:20:48) Al: Rabi Rabbi Kano, Rabbi Rabbi Rabbi Kano, I think Rabbi Kano.

(0:20:55) Codey: Let me it’s probably something like Robicano or Robic Robicano or something.

(0:21:00) Codey: Um, yeah, I didn’t look up to see if those are actually like a thing.

(0:21:06) Codey: I almost did and then I didn’t.

(0:21:07) Codey: Oh, yep.

(0:21:08) Codey: They’re a type of Arabian horse.

(0:21:10) Al: rare horse coat color pattern that features white.

(0:21:15) Codey: Oh, so it’s just a whatever.

(0:21:17) Codey: It’s they’re really cute.

(0:21:21) Codey: Yeah, and they also announced that the next update is going to introduce

(0:21:27) Codey: a new character and that is the veterinarian.

(0:21:30) Codey: Also introduce, you know, care for your horse.

(0:21:34) Codey: So different, you know, that care like they might maybe they get sick.

(0:21:39) Codey: Maybe they have certain nutritional needs and you didn’t need to make sure

(0:21:43) Codey: you meet them.

(0:21:44) Codey: I’m not entirely this is all just me.

(0:21:46) Codey: Just I don’t know.

(0:21:47) Codey: Just like trying to like think of what it could be, but that’s cool.

(0:21:52) Codey: I’m all for it.

(0:21:53) Codey: Can I be the veterinarian?

(0:21:58) Codey: Aww.

(0:22:01) Codey: We need a game where you’re like the veterinarian.

(0:22:03) Codey: We don’t have that.

(0:22:04) Al: Go make it.

(0:22:05) Codey: No, I’m good.

(0:22:06) Codey: Someone should make it though.

(0:22:08) Codey: Or like a wildlife biologist.

(0:22:08) Al: Let us know.

(0:22:11) Codey: I don’t know.

(0:22:12) Al: Is that not just research story?

(0:22:14) Codey: Go play research.

(0:22:16) Al: I mean, tell me if I’m wrong, you’re the one that’s played it.

(0:22:17) Codey: No, I’m trying to.

(0:22:18) Codey: Yeah, no, I’m trying to think of like, no,

(0:22:20) Codey: like a game where you’re a rehabber.

(0:22:22) Codey: Where you rehabilitate wild animals that people bring to you.

(0:22:25) Codey: I think the only issue with that is that it’s sad because they die.

(0:22:28) Codey: die, but hey.

(0:22:30) Codey: There was a Bluey episode about a bird dying, so it’s okay these days.

(0:22:36) Al: Blue can do anything.

(0:22:38) Codey: Bluey did it. That means it’s child approved.

(0:22:42) Al: Let me tell you, right, me and Craig watch Blue together,

(0:22:46) Al: and he’ll be sitting and laughing at the jokes and watching it and stuff,

(0:22:48) Al: and then I’ll just be sitting behind him, just sobbing.

(0:22:50) Codey: stopping. Yeah. Yeah, I just just finished it. And it I am

(0:22:52) Al: Like, “Oh, no, what is happening? What’s the doing to me?”

(0:23:00) Codey: upset. And I need more. I watched all of it. Thanks. I’ve,

(0:23:04) Al: Nice. Well done.

(0:23:07) Codey: I just I crave distraction in the background while I run

(0:23:11) Codey: meaningless analysis. They’re not meaningless analysis. They’re

(0:23:14) Codey: just tedious analysis correction. But yeah, cool that

(0:23:21) Codey: give me a game mode where I can play as the veterinarian and I

(0:23:24) Codey: will play this game. Developers if you’re like, man, what do

(0:23:26) Al: I mean, I feel like that’s just a whole different game, not just a different game mode, but…

(0:23:31) Codey: people want these days? I bet a vet mode like a vet game would

(0:23:37) Codey: crush. Yep. And I would pay probably $30 for it. So if it

(0:23:39) Al: There’s at least one person who would buy it, that’s for sure.

(0:23:45) Codey: takes more than $30 to make. I’m out.

(0:23:48) Al: I’m not even promising there’d be two people because I’m not sure who the second person

(0:23:50) Codey: Listeners. Let me know. Can you contribute $30 we can offer $60

(0:23:53) Al: would do it for the podcast.

(0:23:57) Al: I’m sure there are I mean, look, if you could make a game for $60 you’d be rolling in it.

(0:24:02) Codey: to developers. There’d be a lot of really bad games. Yeah.

(0:24:14) Al: For sure for you.

(0:24:15) Al: Well, yeah, you probably can make a game for $60.

(0:24:18) Al: Absolutely dreadful.

(0:24:21) Al: Just a Skinner box.

(0:24:22) Al: All right.

(0:24:24) Al: Next we have Particular have announced a free update and a paid DLC.

(0:24:33) Al: They’re both releasing on the same day, 28th of February, and the paid DLC Frozen Frontier

(0:24:39) Al: has a new story, world quests, new items and creatures.

(0:24:45) Al: written snowshoe hair. Is that a creature?

(0:24:47) Codey: Yeah, yeah, they specifically say snowshoe hair well, that is just one that they blurbed

(0:24:48) Al: Is that a creature that’s there? Just one creature.

(0:24:55) Al: blurb. No, I know what you mean. That’s a great example of verification.

(0:24:55) Codey: It could be

(0:24:59) Codey: Where did that word come from it is keep going I’m gonna look up what that where that came from

(0:25:05) Codey: - Um.

(0:25:07) Al: And the free update includes new creatures, some temp mechanics. What do you mean by that?

(0:25:14) Codey: - Temperature, sorry.

(0:25:15) Al: Oh, temperature was like temporary mechanics. Yes, temporary temperature mechanics, snow,

(0:25:16) Codey: Now,

(0:25:22) Al: And then obviously, quality of life improvements.

(0:25:26) Codey: Yeah, so they both yeah, they both kind of include like, adding snow as a as a thing that you can see in the game. But one just adds like a whole new world. Also, I wanted to note that they say on in the beginning of this show notes, whatever, what is this called, like a, thank you.

(0:25:48) Al: release notes or well it’s not really release notes because it’s not released

(0:25:51) Codey: It’s a

(0:25:51) Al: teaser

(0:25:54) Codey: Teaser, they say…

(0:25:56) Codey: “As spring arrives in the northern hemisphere, we’re not quite done with the cold weather. We got you southern hemisphere folks.”

(0:26:02) Codey: Correction. We are also not ready for spring.

(0:26:08) Codey: The United States weather predicting rodent has proclaimed that there are six more weeks of winter.

(0:26:16) Codey: So, yeah, we’re not ready.

(0:26:18) Al: Do I need to tap the sign? Seasons aren’t universal, Cody.

(0:26:20) Codey: What’s the sign?

(0:26:26) Codey: They specifically say “As spring arrives in the northern hemisphere.”

(0:26:28) Al: Seasons aren’t universal in the northern hemisphere, Cody.

(0:26:32) Codey: There’s six more weeks of winter. I don’t know what to tell you.

(0:26:35) Al: Look, okay, so not every country has the same definitions of seasons. Not every country even

(0:26:41) Al: has four seasons, and certainly not every country is going to listen to America when they say that

(0:26:46) Al: that a rodent has decided it’s-

(0:26:49) Codey: Okay, there’s like certain things that they should listen to us on and the majority of

(0:26:54) Codey: things that other countries should just ignore Americans on, especially these days.

(0:27:00) Codey: But one thing y’all should really listen to is our, our groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil,

(0:27:07) Codey: who is an immortal groundhog that has bespake unto the cultists or whomstever and told them

(0:27:18) Codey: in Groundhog E’s!

(0:27:20) Codey: There will be six more weeks of winter and a bunch of people just went.

(0:27:22) Al: Yeah, I have watched Groundhog Day. I do know the idea behind it.

(0:27:27) Al: Finally, in the game news in bit, we have MeloBot, a last song, have released their

(0:27:34) Al: original soundtrack on Steam. It is $12.99 on its own, or it’s also included in the Deluxe

(0:27:42) Al: Edition for which is more expensive. It’s actually a really good deal if you get the

(0:27:46) Codey: Oh, whoo. Yeah.

(0:27:49) Al: deluxe edition, though, right? Because it’s like…

(0:27:52) Al: 20 quid for the game. I’m back into pounds here because you confused me with your whole

(0:27:57) Al: dollars. 20 quid for the game or is it 25 quid for the 25 dollars for the game?

(0:27:58) Codey: - Yeah, sorry, I put dollars, I put US dollars.

(0:28:00) Codey: $13.

(0:28:04) Codey: $25 for the deluxe edition and then $13 if,

(0:28:08) Codey: for just the soundtrack.

(0:28:10) Al: Yeah. Well, how much is the base game is that is that $20 then?

(0:28:13) Codey: - Man, I didn’t look at that.

(0:28:14) Codey: Let me look.

(0:28:16) Al: See, it is 20 quid or 10 and 10 quid for 20 or 27 quid.

(0:28:22) Codey: Oh I had it wrong! The game is 25. The bundle that includes the digital deluxe upgrade is 35.

(0:28:22) Al: Ah.

(0:28:32) Al: OK, so it’s still a good deal, but it’s not as good a deal.

(0:28:35) Codey: You save 8%.

(0:28:37) Al: All righty, so that is the game news.

(0:28:41) Al: We also have two new games announced.

(0:28:43) Al: Well, kind of.

(0:28:44) Al: One of them is a new game.

(0:28:44) Codey: - In quotes.

(0:28:46) Al: One of them is actually two that are not–

(0:28:50) Al: should we talk about the one that’s actually new first?

(0:28:52) Al: So that is Sky Harvest.

(0:28:52) Codey: - Yes.

(0:28:57) Al: The blurb for this one is, “Armed with hand-me-down tools

(0:29:01) Al: and some cash.

(0:29:03) Al: You begin your new life as the chief farmer, a position your

(0:29:07) Al: grandfather once excelled in. Can you honor his legacy and

(0:29:10) Al: transform the overgrown, untamed and desolate floating island

(0:29:14) Al: into a flourishing farm abundant with produce?

(0:29:19) Codey: produce is weird in that trailer was was grandfather sleeping

(0:29:26) Al: I didn’t actually watch the trailer give me two seconds. No, he did

(0:29:33) Al: Again, yeah, no he did

(0:29:36) Codey: so as a child you come upon your grand your beloved grandfather deceased at the

(0:29:44) Al: Dead, at the kitchen table, reading his hopes and dreams.

(0:29:47) Codey: kitchen table with

(0:29:49) Codey: a book in front of him.

(0:29:53) Codey: The book says, if I wish I could have gone back one last time and it’s got like a ticket and then it shows you taking that ticket and going and honoring his legacy.

(0:30:04) Al: This is how this is how I know that he’s dead because if he’s not dead that is horrific. You’ve just stolen his ticket

(0:30:05) Codey: But like,

(0:30:12) Al: The one thing he wanted to do you’ve stolen his ticket and gone without him

(0:30:16) Al: Let waited a while because you’ve grown a beard now. You’re an adult now

(0:30:16) Codey: also,

(0:30:20) Codey: Yeah, there’s a whole beard, a mustache, wild.

(0:30:21) Al: Goodness me. That’s dreadful

(0:30:23) Al: You

(0:30:24) Codey: But like, if I came upon my grandmother deceased,

(0:30:29) Codey: I say this because my grandfather is already deceased.

(0:30:34) Codey: If I came upon my grandmother deceased, and

(0:30:37) Codey: I don’t care what’s in front of her, I’m not looking at that.

(0:30:42) Al: Yeah, he just like rests his head on his grandfather’s dead arm and sheds one singular tear before stealing his ticket, his boat ticket.

(0:30:45) Codey: And then… (laughs)

(0:30:50) Codey: I don’t know how beloved that grandfather was, if that’s your reaction, my guy.

(0:30:55) Codey: Anyway, this is me just… (laughs)

(0:30:56) Al: One, he’s one tear’s worth a little bit.

(0:31:00) Codey: Alright, this looks cool though. So you’re on floating islands, you’re flying around with a jetpack, you can manage a restaurant.

(0:31:07) Codey: It just says manage a restaurant, but it just shows you telling the person what the one meal that you guys are making in the day is.

(0:31:20) Codey: Not what restaurants do.

(0:31:23) Codey: And it’s a really bad restaurant.

(0:31:24) Al: It’s what really bad restaurants.

(0:31:28) Codey: And then it also says make friends, and then there’s a dog with a scroll in its mouth, so I’m guessing you befriend a dog.

(0:31:36) Codey: And unfortunately that wasn’t in the trailer, it was in this thing.

(0:31:40) Al: I mean the trailer didn’t show you much, lesbian.

(0:31:43) Codey: Right, the trailer was very teaser-y, but underneath that, on the post, they have…

(0:31:50) Codey: I watched that video where there’s a dog 10 times to see… I wanted to see more of the dog.

(0:31:59) Codey: What kind of dog is it? All that.

(0:32:03) Codey: It’s definitely a tricolor something, but other than that, no.

(0:32:08) Al: So I will say I’m not particularly enamored by the graphics in this game.

(0:32:17) Al: Not that it looks bad, it’s very definitely trying to look how it looks, I think.

(0:32:23) Al: What I find a bit weird is the graphics of the game and the graphics of the heads-up display,

(0:32:30) Al: like the menus and stuff, they feel like they’re from different games.

(0:32:31) Codey: Mm hmm. Yeah, like they had two different people designing those,

(0:32:38) Codey: and one understood the assignment and one didn’t.

(0:32:38) Al: Yeah. Yeah, so it’s a little bit weird. Very, very. I do like the flying. The flying looks fun.

(0:32:45) Codey: The character also looks lanky. This is a tall character.

(0:32:53) Codey: Yeah. Mm hmm. Cosine. I don’t.

(0:32:57) Al: Yeah, I don’t know what else to say. That looks interesting. I love how it calls it sky farming

(0:33:01) Codey: It’s farming, but in the sky. Or are we? Are you farming the sky?

(0:33:04) Al: when it’s just farming.

(0:33:08) Al: In the sky? Okay. No, no, no, no, it’s just you’re on a sky island. Which I feel like this whole

(0:33:12) Codey: Like is there part you’re like collecting the sky?

(0:33:16) Codey: You don’t know that. What if they what if you collect the sky?

(0:33:21) Al: let’s this game has sky islands was a fun idea five years ago and now half the games are doing

(0:33:26) Al: it. Which is I guess the problem with game development, right? It was even before that

(0:33:30) Codey: It’s the tears of the kingdom like.

(0:33:35) Al: people were doing it. They didn’t.

(0:33:38) Al: No, I know. Yeah, yeah. No, I get it. I feel like this could be possibly interesting.

(0:33:46) Al: I’m not really sure what it’s… The flying is the thing that is most interesting to me,

(0:33:51) Al: but other than that, I’m not really sure what it is that they’re doing that’s unique,

(0:33:54) Al: which is always the problem with cottagecore games is why should I play you over Stardew?

(0:34:01) Codey: I think that’s correct. I think like that’s the thing about this is it’s just to get your

(0:34:06) Codey: attention and we will continue. It’s not like I saw this and I’m like, yep, not going to play

(0:34:11) Codey: that because there’s not a lot here. I want to, I want to see more. They’re going to probably

(0:34:15) Codey: release more. And so far they just say Q2 2025 in the trailer.

(0:34:16) Al: Yep. Yeah, where did you see Q2? I just see 2025. Oh, in the trailer, okay. Because on

(0:34:28) Al: Steam just says 2025. Okay, I will update my list then. I didn’t pay attention to the

(0:34:31) Codey: Yeah, he didn’t watch the trailer.

(0:34:38) Al: trailer, there’s a difference there. All right, we also have the brand new and exciting

(0:34:39) Codey: Oh, my bad. I get that though.

(0:34:47) Al: Harvest Moon, Skytree Village, and The Lost Valley are for some reason coming to Switch.

(0:34:55) Al: The good thing about this is it is a bundle, so it’s like you’re not buying the game separately,

(0:35:00) Al: which is good, because my word that would be not worth any sort of money. I’m not sure who

(0:35:06) Al: wants these games. It’s like they went, “Oh, when we did…” Because they worked with…

(0:35:09) Codey: Yeah, so you–

(0:35:16) Al: Because the rights are complicated to the old Harvest Moon games, right? So they’ve done some,

(0:35:22) Al: they released the original Harvest Moon on, what’s it called, Nintendo Switch Online,

(0:35:31) Al: and they had to do that in collaboration with Marvelous, because Marvelous owned the game,

(0:35:36) Al: but they owned the name, and so they had to both agree to that. Anyway, whatever, it doesn’t matter.

(0:35:41) Al: And I feel like that combined with Marvelous redoing a wonderful…

(0:35:46) Al: life has made them go, “Oh, people like when we remake Harvest Moon games and knock on which ones

(0:35:55) Al: is it that people actually want to play, because I guarantee you it’s not Skytree Village in The

(0:35:59) Al: Lost Valley.”

(0:36:00) Codey: - Yeah, I will say, okay, so two things.

(0:36:04) Codey: First of all, I looked, so one social media user,

(0:36:08) Codey: to your question of who’s asking for this,

(0:36:10) Codey: one social media user named Chrissy said,

(0:36:13) Codey: “Cozy gamers have really been winning lately.”

(0:36:16) Al: I wonder whether that person has ever actually played either of these.

(0:36:16) Codey: To which another,

(0:36:23) Codey: to which another user said,

(0:36:25) Codey: “These games are more like a loss.”

(0:36:28) Al: The funny thing is they did the whole, “Oh, we’re going to announce an announcement.”

(0:36:34) Al: And they were like, “Oh, we’ve got an exciting announcement coming for you.”

(0:36:34) Codey: Yeah

(0:36:37) Al: And you’re like, “Okay, fine.”

(0:36:40) Al: And then they did this and people were like, “Really?

(0:36:43) Al: That was your…

(0:36:44) Al: Please tell me this wasn’t everything.”

(0:36:46) Al: Because it’s just, they’re like, I am not the sort of person who just hates on Harvest

(0:36:50) Al: Moon, you know, Natsume, Harvest Moon games for the sake of it.

(0:36:54) Al: You know, I am literally playing Harvestman, Home Sweet Home, as we’re recording.

(0:36:58) Al: The podcast, right? And I’ve talked about how I like that. I’ve talked about how I like the ideas

(0:37:02) Al: in One World and Winds of Anthos. I think they’re very interesting and I think that they’re very

(0:37:07) Al: close to legitimately having a good game. These games are not that. These games are just bad.

(0:37:10) Codey: Mm hmm. This ain’t it chief. Yeah, I will say so. I was listening to another podcast

(0:37:22) Codey: about metal music lately and they were talking about I had there’s a point fault. Stay with

(0:37:27) Al: I look forward to it.

(0:37:28) Codey: me. They were talking about how this one band re like, is republishing like re thank you

(0:37:37) Al: - Remastered.

(0:37:38) Codey: remastering.

(0:37:40) Codey: I think they’re actually just straight up rerecording an

(0:37:42) Codey: entire album and like reproducing it.

(0:37:42) Al: - Oh, okay.

(0:37:44) Al: They’re Taylor-swifting it.

(0:37:45) Codey: Basically, they are that’s the they literally made a joke about

(0:37:49) Codey: that and they had the same question like what who’s asking

(0:37:53) Codey: for this and a bunch of people on social media were like,

(0:37:56) Codey: ah, this is thanks, but I’d rather have no music, etc, etc.

(0:38:00) Codey: But they actually said they made a really good point, which

(0:38:02) Codey: is if there are people who have not played these games or

(0:38:07) Codey: listen to this music or whatever.

(0:38:10) Codey: Kind of an introduction to that to that content for them

(0:38:13) Codey: because there might be people who have heard of this Harvest

(0:38:17) Codey: Moon thing, but they haven’t really played it yet or whatever

(0:38:22) Codey: and then maybe they see this bundle and they’re like, oh

(0:38:24) Codey: wow, there’s two of them in here.

(0:38:26) Al: They’re first and last Harvest Moon games

(0:38:27) Codey: And so it’s not.

(0:38:30) Codey: Well, yeah, so that’s the thing.

(0:38:31) Codey: So I mean that they were talking about an actually good album

(0:38:35) Codey: versus–

(0:38:35) Al: Yes, I think that’s that is the key difference here Cody

(0:38:39) Al: I think like I am NOT against remakes. I think remakes can be really good

(0:38:40) Codey: - Yeah.

(0:38:43) Al: I think I’m doing a wonderful life last year was good because that is a very beloved game

(0:38:43) Codey: Yeah.

(0:38:47) Al: That is a lot of people’s first farming game

(0:38:51) Al: And you just have to listen to Kevin for five minutes to know how much some people were waiting for that

(0:38:55) Al: Nobody has that about

(0:38:56) Codey: Oh, yeah. That’s fair.

(0:38:56) Al: these games.

(0:38:59) Codey: Yeah, I I’m trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, but, uh, yeah,

(0:39:04) Codey: I think that the thing is that it’s not just if they’re not being remade

(0:39:08) Codey: or or bundled in for the switch for the fans.

(0:39:14) Al: No. This is the problem is there aren’t games that Natsume can nostalgia grab on.

(0:39:15) Codey: It’s to try and get new people into the into the fandom.

(0:39:26) Al: Because they’re all owned by Marvelous. They only own the name. And Marvelous aren’t going to do

(0:39:33) Al: anything about it. I think it was very different when they did the original on Nintendo Switch

(0:39:38) Al: Online because that is the actual original game. They’re just porting.

(0:39:44) Al: It’s not even porting. It’s literally just an emulator. They’re just literally allowing

(0:39:51) Al: the game to run on it. And that’s very different to remaking games. And there’s no way Marvelous

(0:40:00) Al: have remade multiple. They remade Friends of Mineral Town, which was a fun one to do. They

(0:40:05) Al: remade A Wonderful Life. I can’t remember if they’ve done any other remakes recently.

(0:40:10) Codey: Yeah, I don’t know, because I’m not ever going to touch it, so.

(0:40:14) Al: They want to jump on the bandwagon. They have to just release bad games again.

(0:40:20) Al: This is the thing. So many people have this be in their bonnet about Natsume and they’re like,

(0:40:25) Al: oh, they’re just jumping on the name and using it to sell bad games. And yeah, that’s kind of true.

(0:40:31) Al: Or at least it was kind of true. I do think now they’re actually getting better and they’re

(0:40:36) Al: actually trying to make good games. They’re getting there. But the problem is that releasing

(0:40:42) Al: they’re bad games again.

(0:40:44) Al: They’re not going to convince anybody that they’re doing anything other than money-grabbing.

(0:40:44) Codey: Yeah, it’s like there’s someone at the company that remembers when all these games first

(0:40:55) Codey: came out and like the hype the hype of it and they’re trying to like regain that the

(0:41:01) Codey: glory days and the it’s sometimes you just got to let things go and like when Bluey and

(0:41:08) Codey: Bingo had to get rid of a bunch of their stuffies. Yeah.

(0:41:10) Al: Oh, we watched that the other day. That was a good episode.

(0:41:17) Al: Yeah, it’s painful to watch what they’re doing, because it’s like one step forward, 73 steps

(0:41:24) Al: back. Like, I just… Why do this? And I… Oh, goodness. Yes, right.

(0:41:24) Codey: like the American government. So we have some other people one year forward 73 years backwards.

(0:41:40) Al: So… Yeah, a section we don’t often have, because normally it’s just game updates and

(0:41:41) Codey: We have some other news. Uh-huh. Oh.

(0:41:47) Al: occasionally new games, we do have the other news section. So we have three pieces of other

(0:41:53) Al: news to talk about. The first one is super… Let’s start off with the negative one, shall we?

(0:41:54) Codey: You got to be more specific. Oh, oh, you’re right. You’re right. You’re right. I needed.

(0:42:01) Al: There’s only one negative one. Okay.

(0:42:04) Codey: I had to look through it again. Yeah.

(0:42:10) Al: So Phoenix Labs, the developers of Fae Farm and Dauntless, and were creating other games

(0:42:15) Al: until last year when they laid off almost everybody who was working on any game other

(0:42:20) Al: than Fae Farm and Dauntless have now laid off almost everybody else. Huzzah!

(0:42:26) Codey: - Yay.

(0:42:27) Al: They’re like, “What’s the point in a game studio that makes games?

(0:42:30) Al: We don’t want to make games. We don’t even want to continue making our existing games.”

(0:42:34) Codey: Yeah, you don’t have yeah, but you know, they really said, the developer said, quote, It’s unfortunate, but necessary.

(0:42:44) Codey: Yeah, so I did do a dive into this, more than just like, just the top of the of the article or whatever I start, I really got into reading this article and like kind of looking at some stuff because I was just like, what is going on here?

(0:42:45) Al: Yeah, I guess the games aren’t failing then.

(0:43:00) Al: - Were you rage reading?

(0:43:02) Al: Were you rage reading?

(0:43:04) Codey: I was so after basically, the developer, the Phoenix lab, whom’s ever the whole the whole Phoenix lab people. Correct. Thank you. You’re so good with the words today. So they, they were, they were acquired by a blockchain company called forte labs.

(0:43:14) Al: the company. What can I say? I’m on a roll. Words is my whole thing.

(0:43:30) Codey: And when they were acquired, they then laid off

(0:43:34) Codey: as you already mentioned 160 people and quote the new owner

(0:43:39) Codey: reportedly pressed developers to draft methods for integrating

(0:43:44) Codey: blockchain technology in its games for the purpose of buying

(0:43:49) Codey: and selling and trading in game goods, according to former

(0:43:52) Codey: employees. So the crypto market has has joined games y’all.

(0:43:58) Codey: Uh.

(0:43:58) Al: are we back on NFTs? I thought we killed NFTs like four years ago, what are you doing?

(0:43:59) Codey: Yeah.

(0:44:04) Codey: NFTs and crypto, man, they’re here to stay, I guess.

(0:44:08) Al: Well no, crypto isn’t dead, but come on, when was the last time you heard about NFTs?

(0:44:14) Al: Especially in games, they’re so 2022.

(0:44:18) Codey: I believe Ascentient Cheeto recently gave more NFTs.

(0:44:24) Codey: Continuing on, apparently after releasing Dauntless,

(0:44:28) Codey: they were “criticized by players for its new in-app monetization design,”

(0:44:32) Codey: which was probably the blockchain,

(0:44:34) Codey: but erasing previous progression with the new Awakening update.

(0:44:38) Codey: So they had an update and it released, it erased all the previous progression.

(0:44:38) Al: Oh no! No! What?!

(0:44:42) Codey: The game still has an overwhelmingly negative number of reviews on Steam.

(0:44:49) Al: I miss that happening. I wasn’t really aware of this very much. I was aware of it when

(0:44:50) Codey: And the…

(0:44:54) Al: it initially released because it was like, “Oh, it’s gonna kill Monster Hunter.” And

(0:44:56) Codey: Yeah.

(0:45:00) Codey: It did not.

(0:45:02) Codey: It really had it was nowhere new

(0:45:04) Codey: because when it first launched, there were probably about 3200 concurrent players like people playing at the same time online.

(0:45:12) Codey: Nowadays, it’s only ever around about 150 people.

(0:45:18) Codey: So yeah, not sure what they’re doing.

(0:45:22) Codey: I would suggest well, I guess I would I would say that I would suggest them to back off the blockchain, but they are literally owned and acquired by a blockchain company.

(0:45:32) Codey: So I don’t think that’s going to happen.

(0:45:36) Codey: So I’m not not really sure what this means for Fae Farm.

(0:45:41) Al: What I find really funny is like, so I think crypto is most often a scam.

(0:45:48) Al: I do think there are some interesting applications for blockchain as a concept.

(0:45:56) Al: NFTs is not it.

(0:46:01) Al: It has never been it, even on their own.

(0:46:04) Al: And then when people started putting them into games, I was like, I don’t even know why.

(0:46:10) Codey: I mean, I feel like it’s to try and like have an introduction.

(0:46:11) Al: Like, what is happening, and why would you do this?

(0:46:18) Codey: It’s like when they put smoking in movies so that they would get more smokers, right?

(0:46:23) Codey: It’s like a, it’s a, it’s a possible way to normalize something.

(0:46:26) Al: It’s like the Transformers series for selling more Transformers.

(0:46:29) Codey: Yeah.

(0:46:31) Codey: Uh, which it’ll probably have a small, well, it would have a small bump if it wasn’t for

(0:46:38) Codey: uh, cozy gamers.

(0:46:40) Codey: Cause I don’t think cozy gamers are the people or, or monster hunters style players.

(0:46:46) Codey: I, you really gotta go for like the call of duty people.

(0:46:48) Codey: I feel like they, they would do NFTs because they basically, that’s basically all they

(0:46:53) Codey: do with their, uh, skins and stuff on all the, all the guns and whatever.

(0:47:00) Codey: So like, it’s not monster hunter people, uh, with dauntless and then cozy games with fave

(0:47:08) Codey: farm.

(0:47:10) Codey: It’s just not the right crowd.

(0:47:12) Al: Yeah. Yeah, well, that’s the thing. I mean, it’s not officially,

(0:47:13) Codey: And unfortunately, some of these games are suffering for it.

(0:47:22) Al: these games are now dead, but I mean, pretty much these games are now dead, right?

(0:47:25) Codey: Yeah we don’t know. Yeah we don’t know. I don’t I don’t know what the what’s

(0:47:31) Codey: what’s going forward but we’ll keep we’ll keep on it.

(0:47:36) Al: We will. We will. All right. No. Undead. Undead game. It’s the game that never dies.

(0:47:38) Codey: Let’s talk about another dead game. Stardew Valley.

(0:47:43) Codey: Oh it’s a zombie game. It will not die.

(0:47:49) Al: It’s RG Valley. Concern Date. He’s off. Eric Barone, he’s off, you know, interviewing again,

(0:48:00) Al: saying the things and admitting to people that he will never stop working on this. He’s

(0:48:06) Al: until he’s 90, in the words of Deadpool. Well, yes, but also it was in Deadpool Wolverine.

(0:48:07) Codey: Can’t stop won’t stop. Yep. Is that the words of Deadpool? I thought he said that

(0:48:16) Codey: Yeah

(0:48:17) Al: He said that Wolverine was going to do it till he’s 90.

(0:48:19) Codey: Okay, well Eric also said the same thing

(0:48:25) Codey: Yeah, some so there was this interview with NPR you can either read it or it’s just like a five-minute little listen

(0:48:33) Codey: on the website and we got that link in the show notes.

(0:48:38) Codey: There’s some really fun quotes in here. So I loved the Eric

(0:48:41) Codey: said, some people have called Stardew Valley chores the game.

(0:48:45) Al: It’s not wrong.

(0:48:48) Codey: I had never heard that. But I can’t like, not wrong. That was

(0:48:55) Codey: funny. And yeah, he said, you know, maybe even 50 years from

(0:48:59) Codey: now, I might add something.

(0:49:01) Al: I think it would be funny to release an update when I’m like 90 years old if I live that long, let’s hope.

(0:49:07) Codey: We’re hoping for it, man.

(0:49:08) Al: Yeah, there was a couple other things I found interesting.

(0:49:10) Al: He specifically pointed out, another thing is I do want to make more than one game in my life.

(0:49:16) Codey: But then probably not past haunted chocolatier because he just said more than one game.

(0:49:17) Al: So there’s still hope for “Hunted Chocolatier”.

(0:49:24) Al: More than one game.

(0:49:26) Al: I mean, honestly, right?

(0:49:27) Al: Like, if he makes “Stardew Valley” and he makes another game that actually does well,

(0:49:31) Al: that’s probably better than most game developers.

(0:49:34) Codey: I mean, let’s also be honest, he could probably like quit today and never work again, and he’s fine.

(0:49:39) Al: Oh, for sure.

(0:49:40) Al: Oh, for sure.

(0:49:41) Al: Absolutely.

(0:49:41) Codey: He’s fine.

(0:49:45) Al: And he also said, “If I feel like it’s starting to become kind of overwhelmed with content

(0:49:54) Al: to the point where it’s detrimental to the game’s entertainment factor, I would stop

(0:49:58) Al: at that point.”

(0:50:02) Al: So yeah, lots coming to “Stardew Valley” probably.

(0:50:07) Al: Like this just sounds like he’s buttering us up to have another update in like a year

(0:50:10) Codey: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm just shadow dropped. Yeah

(0:50:12) Al: or two.

(0:50:14) Al: Well, I don’t think he can possibly shadow drop anything, like he just, he likes talking

(0:50:22) Codey: Yeah. Uh, I was curious, so I Googled it.

(0:50:26) Codey: And as, uh, according to dot eSports, uh, as of March 20th, 2024,

(0:50:31) Codey: Eric Barone, AKA concerned apes net worth.

(0:50:35) Codey: Do you want to take a guess?

(0:50:36) Al: Oh, five million.

(0:50:40) Codey: 45 million.

(0:50:41) Al: Oh, my word, that’s wild.

(0:50:45) Codey: So yeah, he’s, he’s set.

(0:50:45) Al: That is wild. Yeah.

(0:50:46) Codey: He is set.

(0:50:48) Codey: You did good.

(0:50:49) Codey: You’re winning son.

(0:50:52) Codey: So, but no, no, keep going.

(0:50:54) Al: And our final piece of news is not really a piece of news.

(0:50:57) Al: It’s just an article that writers did, which I thought was very interesting.

(0:51:03) Al: And it’s not normal kind of like writers is known for like their

(0:51:06) Al: investigative journalism there like overseas stuff in particular, but for some reason

(0:51:12) Al: they did an interactive cozy games article.

(0:51:17) Codey: I need more of these.

(0:51:19) Al: This is amazing.

(0:51:20) Al: I really love this.

(0:51:21) Al: Do you want to tell them what it is?

(0:51:21) Codey: Yeah.

(0:51:23) Codey: Yeah, I mean, you basically– and I blurbed a lot of this,

(0:51:26) Codey: but let me know if you want me to not–

(0:51:27) Codey: I mean, whatever.

(0:51:28) Codey: OK, continue.

(0:51:30) Codey: They basically explain– so imagine

(0:51:32) Codey: like you’re reading an article and you’re scrolling down,

(0:51:34) Codey: right, to like go through the article and read it.

(0:51:37) Codey: In this interactive graphic display,

(0:51:42) Codey: as you scroll down, your character

(0:51:44) Codey: is like moving and doing things on the screen.

(0:51:47) Codey: It’s explaining how a cozy game works.

(0:51:55) Codey: I loved it.

(0:51:55) Codey: I want to do it again, honestly, because you basically

(0:51:58) Codey: play a little game within the article.

(0:52:00) Codey: It’s wild.

(0:52:01) Codey: Some standout things.

(0:52:04) Codey: Quote, “There’s no hard definition for a cozy game.

(0:52:08) Codey: If the game gives the player a cozy, warm feeling,

(0:52:11) Codey: then it fits.”

(0:52:13) Codey: So that’s Ruder’s definition, y’all.

(0:52:17) Codey: I don’t know how you say this.

(0:52:18) Al: I say writers ‘cause that’s how I’ve heard it.

(0:52:19) Codey: Art?

(0:52:21) Codey: Cool, R-E-U-T-E-R, those peoples.

(0:52:26) Codey: Cozy, warm feeling.

(0:52:29) Codey: That’s very subjective.

(0:52:30) Al: I feel like we need to introduce them to some other games.

(0:52:31) Codey: “In cozy games, it’s virtually impossible to lose.

(0:52:34) Codey: Fights are easy to win if there are fights at all.”

(0:52:41) Al: They think that all of the fights are easy.

(0:52:44) Codey: - Yeah, not true, not true.

(0:52:47) Codey: Not necessarily true, especially if you’re fighting

(0:52:50) Codey: trying to win the arcade games

(0:52:52) Codey: in Stardew Valley’s tavern.

(0:52:54) Al: Oh, don’t even. Literally the only thing I’ve not done for the Steam achievements.

(0:52:55) Codey: That is, fighting for your life.

(0:53:01) Codey: That’s ‘cause it’s hard.

(0:53:04) Codey: I really, so some other things that this article talks about

(0:53:06) Codey: ‘cause it’s really talking about mental health

(0:53:08) Codey: and how cozy games can help with mental health.

(0:53:12) Codey: So quote, Suzanne Roman who describes herself

(0:53:15) Codey: as an autistic advocate said

(0:53:17) Codey: including her own autistic daughter who celebrated her 18th birthday during lockdown.

(0:53:26) Codey: Also, quote according to research from 2022 by Aaron Suhar, that’s I’m sorry if I butchered your

(0:53:33) Codey: name, an assistant professor at Ray Juan Carlos University, video games are being investigated

(0:53:39) Codey: as an innovative method to manage ADHD. I am curious how they’re going to do that and if they need

(0:53:47) Codey: testers. I I don’t know. I mean, honestly, I’m starting to like realize that if you get our like

(0:53:48) Al: Where do we find some ADHD people?

(0:53:57) Codey: people of our generation around our age in a room and you throw a stone, you’re going to hit someone

(0:54:03) Codey: that probably has ADHD because we. Okay. Okay.

(0:54:04) Al: No, Cody, so this is a common misconception. It’s just that we like spending time with

(0:54:13) Al: other people who have ADHD, and so we’re constantly surrounded by them. There’s still

(0:54:18) Codey: Okay. Oh, wow. Okay. I yeah, I just I really I get the I mean, this is probably also because of

(0:54:19) Al: a very small proportion of the population. And yeah.

(0:54:29) Codey: algorithms and stuff. But like, I just feel and like talking to people from like my high school

(0:54:34) Codey: and stuff. It just seems like we all have there was a struggle. It’s not vaccines, y’all. It’s

(0:54:40) Codey: it’s like, I think it comes from growing up when there weren’t things like video game. Well, there

(0:54:47) Codey: are basic video games, but not in the way that there are now. There weren’t phones that could grab

(0:54:52) Codey: your attention. And so when we were developing our when our brains were developing is when all of

(0:54:59) Codey: this stuff came out. And suddenly, we had so many poles on our attention. And it made us our brains

(0:55:09) Codey: develop in a way where we are, it is difficult for attention to keep to hold attention and hold focus.

(0:55:16) Codey: This is just completely a-

(0:55:17) Codey: hypothesis that I have this is not fact but I just I wonder if that’s why

(0:55:23) Codey: there’s so much of like our cohort in my opinion in my experience that have

(0:55:29) Codey: this and or seem to at least but yeah I don’t know it is crazy for sure

(0:55:38) Codey: still Aaron Suhar in Ray Juan Carlos University if you need playtesters let me

(0:55:45) Codey: know. I would love to hear from you.

(0:55:47) Codey: to join. Also, if you are not my final comment about this, if you have not become invested in

(0:55:55) Codey: reading reading slash playing this article by now, cat cactus. That’s all I’m gonna leave you with cat

(0:56:02) Codey: cactus. Yeah, I really don’t know. I also I also don’t know why you’re listening to this podcast if

(0:56:02) Al: And if that’s not intriguing, enough to make you play it, I don’t know what will be.

(0:56:08) Al: It’s a great article, I love it.

(0:56:13) Codey: you’re not intrigued by cat cactus. Who are you?

(0:56:16) Al: Fair.

(0:56:17) Codey: Oh.

(0:56:18) Codey: Well, we could do a mini, mini review for a mini, mini game.

(0:56:18) Al: All right, that is the news.

(0:56:22) Al: Whew, that was quite a lot of news.

(0:56:26) Codey: Oh, okay.

(0:56:28) Al: We are going to talk about many, many farm for as long as we need to talk about it.

(0:56:28) Codey: Mm-hmm.

(0:56:30) Codey: Okay.

(0:56:32) Codey: Mm-hmm.

(0:56:32) Al: So, I’m going to try, I’m going to do my usual thing where I try and summarize the game.

(0:56:38) Al: And you can tell me how wrong you think I am.

(0:56:42) Al: So, it is a farming game where you are, it doesn’t, so interestingly, it doesn’t work like how most mobile farming games work, right?

(0:56:54) Al: So, most mobile farming games we have talked about are like basically Farmville, but different.

(0:57:02) Al: This is very much not that.

(0:57:04) Al: So, in those ones, you always have like the, you have the time gates, but you can always speed up the time gates.

(0:57:10) Al: And you have like your plots that you have to tap on, and like it’s all very like the same way of playing.

(0:57:18) Al: The way this game works is you are dragging on the screen to move your character.

(0:57:24) Al: And when your character comes across something that they can interact with, it happens automatically.

(0:57:28) Al: If you, I mean, if you, if it needs to be multiple entry.

(0:57:32) Al: But you don’t have, you’re not creating farm plots, and you’re not like buying things to place places there are a fixed number and placement of items, such as your farming plots and mining nodes and animals, and you have to purchase them.

(0:58:00) Al: But you can see them all in the overworld.

(0:58:04) Al: This isn’t really so much a summary as I’m just describing the game now.

(0:58:08) Al: It’s really hard to summarize this game.

(0:58:08) Codey: Yeah, there’s not really like, the game is really, I mean, it’s very simple. So a basic

(0:58:16) Codey: summary quote unquote of the game is also just the game. Because it doesn’t,

(0:58:20) Al: - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure, for sure.

(0:58:22) Codey: it’s not too complicated. So you’re doing great. Keep going.

(0:58:29) Al: You’re cycling through things, right?

(0:58:30) Al: You farm, you gather some items, you sell the items,

(0:58:34) Al: and then you use the money to buy other things

(0:58:38) Al: and unlock other areas, eventually buying a house,

(0:58:42) Al: which allows you to then unlock a whole other area,

(0:58:45) Al: which you’re then slowly progressing towards

(0:58:48) Al: buying a house in that area, et cetera, et cetera.

(0:58:51) Al: I have not bought the house, but I have got to the point

(0:58:52) Codey: How far did you get?

(0:58:56) Al: where I’m allowed to buy the house, but I haven’t managed to

(0:58:58) Al: gather all of the materials and money to be able to buy the

(0:59:01) Al: house because the house is very expensive. What about you?

(0:59:05) Al: expensive. What about you?

(0:59:07) Codey: Yeah, so my I’m in the second area my one

(0:59:14) Codey: Addendum to your beautiful summary is that you don’t sell the things there are

(0:59:21) Codey: Requests like people are requesting. Okay, but like it comes up. It’s it’s part of the lore

(0:59:22) Al: it’s still selling. It’s still selling. Come on.

(0:59:29) Codey: Where you’re coming upon these areas. You’re not finding people

(0:59:33) Codey: It’s like a deserted you’re going through like a deserted landscape and.

(0:59:37) Codey: And kind of revitalizing these areas by buying everything and you keep getting these requests but you only ever see like two people.

(0:59:47) Codey: And your character eventually is like where where are all of these requests coming from like why what is going on here.

(0:59:56) Codey: And I that question which once you unlock the first house is the game like kind of asks it I was like.

(1:00:07) Codey: You know what that’s a great question where are other people like these are clearly like lived in places like there’s houses that are kind of run down or you got to build them up or whatever but like they’re the infrastructure was there like what happened so I am I’m in.

(1:00:23) Codey: I am I’m actually currently playing right now because of course I am but.

(1:00:26) Al: Shocking, you wouldn’t find me playing a game while podcasting.

(1:00:30) Codey: No of course not also not talking slack but yeah.

(1:00:37) Al: Okay, let’s let’s. Yeah, so let’s talk about the individual mechanics.

(1:00:37) Codey: I think that’s pretty much the summary yeah.

(1:00:43) Al: So I guess there’s probably not much more to say about controlling your character, right,

(1:00:47) Al: you swipe to move your character, if they hit if they encounter something, if you. So is it okay,

(1:00:55) Al: There is more to say, apparently.

(1:00:56) Al: So when you encounter something that can be interacted with, assuming that you have

(1:01:05) Al: let go of the screen, so you’ve stopped moving your character, they will then interact with

(1:01:10) Al: that item once.

(1:01:12) Al: And if it needs to happen multiple times, you can either move away and come back or

(1:01:16) Al: you can tap multiple times to finish it off.

(1:01:19) Al: So say you’re, you can, did you not know you could just tap, oh, Cody, Cody, Cody, Cody.

(1:01:19) Codey: How do you just tap?

(1:01:22) Codey: Oh, you can just tap.

(1:01:25) Codey: I mean, that’s fine.

(1:01:25) Al: So yeah, you’re, you’re running around.

(1:01:26) Al: And you see a rock and you want to hit it.

(1:01:28) Al: So you run up to it and you let go and it hits the rock and then you can either run

(1:01:32) Al: away again and come back to it and it’ll hit it again, or you can just tap and it’ll hit it again.

(1:01:36) Codey: I love the fact that you can just tap.

(1:01:39) Al: So do I.

(1:01:39) Codey: I’ve just been doing like tiny drags.

(1:01:42) Codey: Like just gonna like drag it like a little bit to the right to hit this.

(1:01:45) Al: I will, I will do that.

(1:01:46) Al: I will do that for farming because I find it much more consistent around which plots will

(1:01:52) Al: happen and getting things done the right way.

(1:01:54) Codey: Yeah, I mean, but there’s but there’s no wrong way. It just

(1:01:55) Al: but for a rock.

(1:01:56) Al: or a tree I will just I’ll just tap.

(1:02:01) Al: No, I’m not saying there is just that is how I will I personally do it.

(1:02:01) Codey: does it. Yeah. Yeah.

(1:02:08) Al: And that’s that’s basically all of your interaction is you drag to move and you do a thing when

(1:02:14) Al: you stop moving, and then you can tap to do the thing again.

(1:02:18) Al: And everything works that way, basically.

(1:02:22) Al: So farming, you’ve got your standard crop farming.

(1:02:26) Al: And there are certain farming areas. I don’t know what you would call them. Fields, yeah, okay, fields.

(1:02:34) Codey: I would call them fields, like there’s a, there’ll be like a, a two by three field,

(1:02:39) Codey: a two by two field that I think it’s the turnip field is like three by three.

(1:02:44) Codey: It’s pretty insane.

(1:02:45) Al: And so you have to hold the field, tell the field, that’s what the word isn’t it? Tell

(1:02:46) Codey: Don’t need that many turnips.

(1:02:54) Al: the field. Oh, in Scotland, you can quite often say “ho” to mean “excuse me, sir.” You

(1:02:55) Codey: Oh, that filled out.

(1:03:06) Al: go “ho, you”. No, it doesn’t mean that. It’s just to get somebody’s attention. That’s all

(1:03:06) Codey: What you just calling people hoes

(1:03:14) Codey: Calling people hoes can’t believe you

(1:03:16) Al: » Yes, you tell the field and then you plant your seeds and then you water it.

(1:03:17) Codey: You just calling people hoes can’t believe you

(1:03:19) Codey: Mm-hmm.

(1:03:26) Al: And then after some time, it’s ready and you harvest it.

(1:03:30) Al: I have not figured out when you have to water because sometimes when you harvest,

(1:03:30) Codey: It’s not it’s not a lot of time either. It’s pretty fast.

(1:03:39) Al: it will already be watered and then you can just sow seeds again and that’s fine.

(1:03:45) Al: And sometimes it won’t be watered anymore.

(1:03:48) Al: And if you’re very fast, you can sow seeds before it becomes untilled.

(1:03:54) Al: But sometimes you’ll have to till it again if you’re not fast and then you have to water again.

(1:03:54) Codey: Mm hmm. I believe it’s just like every in the real life day. It’s like once once a real life day,

(1:04:10) Codey: you have to water it. Yeah, because like, that’s, that’s how I’ve assumed because like, I’m like,

(1:04:12) Al: That, yeah, okay, that would make sense based on how I’ve experienced it. Yeah, that one.

(1:04:20) Codey: oh, they’re not watered again. And then it’s like the next day when I’m playing again, I’m like,

(1:04:23) Codey: Oh, they’re back to…

(1:04:24) Codey: being not watered um but yeah so it’s not like you have to do that very often so then

(1:04:30) Codey: after you’ve done that like once in the day you just run up to the thing harvest

(1:04:37) Codey: and plant more seeds and then you can run away and go to something else

(1:04:41) Al: Yep. Then we’ve got trees. Some trees produce fruit, which you can get. You can cut those

(1:04:51) Al: trees down again, but I think it means that the fruit takes longer to come back because

(1:04:56) Al: the tree has to regrow first. Other trees do not do fruit. They’re just for getting wood.

(1:05:02) Al: You cut them down. You have to cut the stump, I think it said, for it to regrow, if I remember

(1:05:07) Codey: Oh, that’s interesting. I mean, but also you get more stuff from the stone.

(1:05:08) Al: correctly? Well, yes.

(1:05:11) Al: You would. Naturally, you would cut the stump away. I just thought it was interesting

(1:05:16) Al: when I was doing that. I’m pretty sure it told me you have to cut the stump away, otherwise

(1:05:20) Al: the tree doesn’t regrow. And yeah, it regrows after some time. There’s also these money

(1:05:26) Codey: Yeah, I’m not sure what the timeline is on that.

(1:05:29) Al: bushes? You seem to cut bushes down and they give you money?

(1:05:33) Codey: Oh, yes, sorry, I was thinking it was a tree. Yeah, they’re like little shrubs, little round shrubs and they

(1:05:39) Al: I’m not sure why these are spewing out money when you cut them down, but I’m not going to complain.

(1:05:47) Codey: Yeah, and they usually grow either in twos or fours and they grow back pretty fast too, so

(1:05:53) Al: Yeah, and then you have the animals, so you can unlock a ranch, and you get a cow and

(1:06:03) Al: sheep, and then there’s like other animals that you can get at different points. There’s

(1:06:07) Al: like a kind of an island in the first area where you can go and get some more cows and

(1:06:10) Al: more sheep. They will provide wool and milk, as you would probably expect for sheep and

(1:06:17) Al: cows. And they work the exact same way. After a while, there’ll be a little exclamation

(1:06:23) Al: of them, and you know you can go get it. It’s just like all the other things.

(1:06:24) Codey: Yep, the second area gives you a chicken, and that’s all I know so far because I am

(1:06:26) Al: Nice.

(1:06:32) Codey: just in the second area.

(1:06:35) Codey: I think there’s five areas.

(1:06:36) Al: Right, OK. And then there is, I’m calling it mining, but you’re not in a mine, it’s

(1:06:43) Al: just there’s rocks and ore lying around the place and you go and hit them and you get

(1:06:49) Al: either stone or is it copper and silver? I think that’s what they are.

(1:06:54) Codey: Yeah, and then the second area has gold, so yeah, you get these like ore, ore out of it.

(1:07:01) Al: Yeah, so they’re all pretty self-explanatory.

(1:07:04) Al: They’re just kind of all very similar.

(1:07:06) Al: You then have fishing, which is you could you could do one.

(1:07:11) Al: You can fish up one fish per area, per time period.

(1:07:16) Al: It’s like five minutes, maybe not even five minutes, like two minutes or something

(1:07:18) Codey: I don’t think it’s fine. I think it’s probably like a minute. Yeah, a minute or two. It’s

(1:07:20) Al: like that.

(1:07:23) Al: You go to it and then you you’ve got it’s got like a spinning.

(1:07:26) Al: it’s probably the least interesting and simplest fish.

(1:07:31) Al: It shows you three shadows of fish and they rotate and you basically press it button when the one that you want is there and then it’s basically animal crossing fishing.

(1:07:47) Al: At some point there’s an exclamation mark and you press the button and you catch.

(1:07:50) Al: Interestingly, fish, unlike all the other things, your fish automatically just get sold and you just get the money for it.

(1:07:56) Codey: Yeah, they don’t go into an inventory.

(1:07:57) Al: They are not part of the same requests that everything else has been.

(1:08:01) Al: They are not part of.

(1:08:04) Al: Took me ages to realize this because I was just tapping and missing the fact that it told you this as soon as you caught the fish.

(1:08:10) Al: It popped up and said, “You sold the fish for 200.” I would be tapping far too fast.

(1:08:14) Codey: Well, so that’s actually one of the reasons I kind of like the spinning, how it shows

(1:08:24) Codey: you three shadows, then you can pick what shadow you want.

(1:08:27) Codey: Because if you, each area, each little fishing spot, there’s two in the first area, I haven’t

(1:08:33) Codey: gotten to any in the next area, has a certain set of fish that you can get.

(1:08:39) Codey: So the first fishing hole has nine, for example.

(1:08:44) Codey: Once you’ve collected everything in that area, you get like 500 coins.

(1:08:50) Codey: Yeah, you do get a bonus for collecting everything.

(1:08:52) Al: I’m like one fish away from the first one being finished, so I haven’t experienced that yet.

(1:08:55) Codey: Yeah, so there is a bonus for doing that and like trying to make sure that, because for

(1:09:02) Codey: example on the second area, I’m trying to get one of the medium mishfishes.

(1:09:09) Codey: And so, you know, if I go up and try and…

(1:09:14) Codey: If I can fish, I can skip, like I can just wait until the fish that’s in front of the hook is a larger one if there’s like two small ones.

(1:09:21) Codey: So I do like the little rotating things, then it’s you’re not just fishing and getting a small one, fishing and getting a small one, fishing and getting a really, really, really big one, like there’s like an element of choice.

(1:09:33) Codey: Maybe it’s fake, maybe it’s not really choice, but it makes me feel good.

(1:09:36) Al: I’m pretty sure it’s a choice because they are different sizes and the different sizes

(1:09:41) Codey: Yeah.

(1:09:42) Al: do seem to give me the same types of fish regularly. I think it’s only like maybe two

(1:09:44) Codey: » Yes.

(1:09:46) Codey: » God.

(1:09:49) Al: of them are the big one and most of them are the medium one I think so it’s not a huge

(1:09:53) Codey: yeah. Yeah, I just finished the second wood and I got 700 coins and some fishing experience.

(1:09:54) Al: amount of… it’s not like every single silhouette is exactly the fish you expect it to be.

(1:10:02) Al: Whoo!

(1:10:04) Al: Whoo!

(1:10:06) Al: I think… yeah, no, I don’t know, actually. I don’t think.

(1:10:07) Codey: No idea what the fishing experience does.

(1:10:13) Codey: Yeah, they didn’t really, they don’t really explain that. There’s also like no menu.

(1:10:14) Al: Yes, yes, yes. So this was a weird thing because it took me ages to figure out how to actually see my inventory.

(1:10:24) Al: And I realized that when we get to the dungeon, which we’re going to talk about…

(1:10:28) Al: Should we talk about that now, then? We’ll do the unlocking afterwards.

(1:10:34) Al: So there’s a dungeon in the game where you go down

(1:10:36) Al: to it, and it’s kind of like the mines in Stardew Valley, but it’s 10 levels.

(1:10:47) Al: I think it’s programmatically generated.

(1:10:52) Al: It is a very simple dungeon.

(1:10:58) Al: You have health and you have stamina when you go into the dungeon.

(1:11:01) Al: You don’t have stamina anywhere else in the game.

(1:11:03) Al: Only in the dungeon.

(1:11:04) Al: As soon as you’re in the dungeon, for some reason you have–

(1:11:06) Al: stamina. You have to– the aim is to get down to level 10. If you don’t get down to

(1:11:14) Al: level 10 because you run out of stamina or health, you do get– you get to keep the stuff

(1:11:20) Al: that you found on the way. So there’s like, you know, rocks and ores and some– for some

(1:11:26) Codey: Some plants, yeah.

(1:11:27) Al: reason plants growing under there. It’s not like cave plants, it’s like just the normal

(1:11:33) Al: plants that you would farm above ground which seems a bit weird but…

(1:11:36) Al: hey there we are and there are also enemies there which I don’t know about

(1:11:44) Al: you Cody I didn’t I haven’t once got hit by any of the enemies there is not

(1:11:50) Codey: It’s not challenging. Did you finish the dungeon?

(1:11:50) Al: particularly challenging

(1:11:53) Al: oh yeah multiple times

(1:11:56) Codey: Okay. Yeah, I did get hit in the last one, because in the last room there’s like five enemies that are coming at you, so I did get hit one of those times.

(1:12:05) Al: But they warn you when they’re about to hit you. That’s the thing. There’s this red line

(1:12:06) Codey: But if they, but there’s like, 3 of them and if you’re, if you’re in the middle of hitting 1 of them, that’s like a, it like has a, a second.

(1:12:10) Al: that goes out for them for like three seconds before they hit you.

(1:12:20) Codey: Or something like visual. Don’t shame me for being hit. I don’t, I don’t have to describe myself. I don’t have to explain myself. I know.

(1:12:25) Al: No shame.

(1:12:30) Al: I’m not shaming you.

(1:12:34) Al: Yeah, it’s not particularly difficult, you know, even though you got hit,

(1:12:39) Al: you didn’t die, presumably, the health is not hard.

(1:12:40) Codey: Correct, yeah.

(1:12:43) Al: What I will say is hard is the stamina,

(1:12:45) Al: because everything you do in there is stamina.

(1:12:48) Al: If it’s picking crops up, if it’s hitting a rock,

(1:12:53) Al: it’s attacking all of those.

(1:12:55) Al: use stamina, and it’s very little stamina. There’s not a lot of stamina at all. So if

(1:13:01) Al: you basically have to decide, am I gathering things or am I trying to get to the bottom

(1:13:05) Al: of the dungeon and finish it? Because you can’t do both, basically. Unless when you

(1:13:13) Al: run out of stamina, you can either watch an ad to get more stamina, or there’s like an

(1:13:20) Al: item you can use to get more stamina as well. So if you don’t do that…

(1:13:24) Codey: You can, you can also like, either through the plan through playing in the dungeon, you might get a stamina potion that drops, or through you can like buy them if you give them a certain amount of crops that are like a really good quality or something you can buy the potions.

(1:13:25) Al: You can’t do everything in the dungeon.

(1:13:46) Codey: And that is a permanent increase to your stamina.

(1:13:49) Al: Oh, I did not know that. Okay. Cool.

(1:13:50) Codey: Mm hmm. Yeah. And then you can also permit.

(1:13:54) Codey: You can also permanently increase your sword, which I’m assuming just makes it do more damage.

(1:14:01) Codey: And in the dungeon, there’s also the option to like with this one book to increase the.

(1:14:14) Al: The soil efficiency, is that the one you’re talking about?

(1:14:14) Codey: Well, so there’s the soil improvement while you’re going through the dungeon as you defeat enemies, you get these little green.

(1:14:24) Codey: Things that like you accumulate kind of like gold and those improve improve your soil efficiency, soil quality, whatever.

(1:14:33) Codey: But there’s also a book to the left of the dungeon entrance.

(1:14:38) Codey: And in that book, it increases your like if you’re going to your tomato farm, for example, and you are the plot that you have and you’re only intending to get one tomato.

(1:14:51) Codey: It’ll like increase the chance that you do more than one.

(1:14:54) Codey: Thing at a time.

(1:14:55) Codey: So there have been times where I go to like a two by two field and it just does all four things for me, like all it does all four seeds at the same time.

(1:15:02) Al: Yes. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah

(1:15:04) Codey: So you can improve that kind of stuff to to like save time.

(1:15:10) Al: Not that it saves much time.

(1:15:11) Codey: It doesn’t and it’s really incremental.

(1:15:13) Codey: Like it.

(1:15:14) Codey: It’s it’s like, you know, here’s a 1% increase.

(1:15:17) Codey: Another 1% increase.

(1:15:18) Codey: It’s it’s really our.

(1:15:21) Al: This thing that takes half a second to do, sometimes you don’t need to do it.

(1:15:21) Codey: our…

(1:15:25) Codey: 1% of the time it takes a quarter of a second to do… yeah, so it’s… yeah.

(1:15:28) Al: Yeah, yes, yeah, that’s the thing.

(1:15:32) Al: I’m not complaining, right? Like, it’s not like it’s a bad thing, but yeah, it does feel like it’s

(1:15:37) Al: Okay, technically, it’s an improvement.

(1:15:40) Al: I guess.

(1:15:43) Codey: Yeah, so it’s I mean, I don’t know if there’s I’m assuming that there’s going to be other dungeons

(1:15:48) Codey: in different areas. I have not. The first area or the second area, I’ve only unlocked like the

(1:15:50) Al: That’s a good point. Yeah, I’m not that would be that would make sense.

(1:15:55) Codey: first part of the second area, because next to your house, it always says like how what percent

(1:16:01) Codey: you’ve unlocked of an area. And you have to unlock a certain percentage to even be able to buy the

(1:16:07) Codey: house. And I’ve only done 30% of the second area. So, and I’ve unlocked everything that

(1:16:13) Codey: I’m capable of unlocking. So I’m assuming that there’s like another I have to once you buy the

(1:16:17) Codey: house, you unlock a second, like part of the second area or something. It’s unlockception.

(1:16:21) Al: There is lots of unlocking because you’ve got the first area which has a bunch of locked

(1:16:29) Al: areas within it which you have to pay to unlock and then once you’ve unlocked 80% of that,

(1:16:39) Al: although I’m still confused as to what the 20% is that I haven’t done because I’m pretty

(1:16:42) Al: sure I cannot see a single thing that I’ve not unlocked in the first area.

(1:16:46) Codey: Interesting. Do you, let me make sure it’s the right one. Go correct. Do you know what

(1:16:51) Al: Because there’s multiple secret areas but I think I’ve found every secret area

(1:16:59) Al: in the first section. Yeah, I do. I found that one that told you.

(1:17:00) Codey: signifies a secret area? Okay. Okay. There are more secret areas then. Yeah. I have 100%

(1:17:09) Al: Really? I looked, I couldn’t see any of them.

(1:17:14) Codey: Look for the things that signify.

(1:17:16) Codey: The secret areas.

(1:17:16) Al: I did look for them. I couldn’t see any anywhere. Oh, maybe I’m…

(1:17:19) Codey: Okay, okay.

(1:17:22) Al: maybe they’re on the islands. Oh, like here. Here’s one on an island. Oh, no. What? A hidden shawl?

(1:17:24) Codey: Oh, maybe.

(1:17:25) Codey: Yeah.

(1:17:27) Codey: Oh, okay.

(1:17:28) Codey: Yeah.

(1:17:29) Codey: Um, you’re welcome.

(1:17:33) Codey: Um, I mean, but it’s fun because it makes you like explore,

(1:17:39) Codey: like really explore the area, kind of test all of the different like,

(1:17:44) Codey: Is that really a tree?

(1:17:46) Codey: I don’t know. It’s just it’s it’s fun, but it does take a hop in it the one thing so you haven’t unlocked the house yet once you unlock the house you then have to unlock some of the furniture in the house which is not very some of the unlocking like it grows in price exponentially it just seems like it gets like more and more expensive the house interior stuff is not that expensive I don’t know I don’t know it’s just it’s it’s fun but it does take a hop in it the one thing so you haven’t unlocked the house yet once you unlock the house you then have to unlock some of the furniture in the house which is not very some of the unlocking like it grows in price exponentially it just seems like it gets like more and more expensive the house interior stuff is not that expensive

(1:18:16) Codey: it’s like 200 gold here 100 gold there and once you unlock all the stuff you get an NPC that will automatically collect things for you yeah they do it

(1:18:26) Al: Yes, I saw that on a thing about that. So that is cool. And presumably they do things

(1:18:34) Al: like slower than you would presumably.

(1:18:36) Codey: yes they basically collect it’s it’s kind of a random amount of resources and

(1:18:46) Codey: it’s also a very small amount of resources you can use money to upgrade them

(1:18:55) Codey: so this guy for example his lover love helper level is four so that’s the level

(1:19:02) Codey: let me look at the question mark so I don’t get this wrong um when a resident’s helper level

(1:19:07) Codey: increases they can help more times and deposit items in the storage more quickly storage box

(1:19:12) Codey: level increases the amount of items.

(1:19:16) Codey: So you get more things.

(1:19:18) Codey: Oh, that’s what I need to do.

(1:19:20) Codey: He probably fills the storage box and then he’s like I can’t do anything more, so I need to really improve the storage box so that he can just slam a bunch of stuff in there.

(1:19:33) Codey: That’s how they get you, but it’s fine because it’s just a fun little run around.

(1:19:40) Codey: You find yourself, like I don’t know if you find yourself in like cycles, like I’ll go…

(1:19:46) Codey: Sometimes I go left or right, like clockwise, sometimes I go counterclockwise, and usually by the time you do like one circuit, everything’s ready again for the most part.

(1:19:56) Al: Yeah, I found some things that are a little bit slower, like the fishing is much slower,

(1:20:01) Al: and the bushes are super, super quick, but everything else is slightly slower than that.

(1:20:06) Codey: Yeah.

(1:20:10) Codey: Do you know how you can make things faster?

(1:20:13) Codey: - Here.

(1:20:13) Al: In the dungeon!

(1:20:16) Codey: » And by spending money, so I mean, it’s very modest.

(1:20:22) Codey: Like when you first play the game, there’s these banners on your screen.

(1:20:26) Codey: So it’s like ad banners.

(1:20:28) Codey: So there’s, I got an ad for like Pokemon Go and I was like, why are they still advertising?

(1:20:35) Codey: Like if people haven’t heard of Pokemon Go by now, what are they doing?

(1:20:40) Codey: Yeah, so it’s just like always at the bottom of your screen.

(1:20:42) Codey: there’s always some form of add.

(1:20:46) Codey: You can pay $2.99 to remove that.

(1:20:49) Codey: And then you can pay $5.99 to remove the watch and

(1:20:55) Codey: add to make this go faster like for some of the things.

(1:20:59) Codey: So for example, you’ll come up on treasure chests that just have a bunch of stuff in

(1:21:03) Codey: them and you can pay, once you pay the $5.99,

(1:21:08) Codey: you no longer have to watch a video to open that chest, you can just open it.

(1:21:13) Al: So, I have one question about this. Does it remove the video for fishing? So, can you

(1:21:16) Codey: Yeah, yeah, and so because of that, because of the phishing,

(1:21:20) Al: just infinitely fish now? Ooh, see that? That’s interesting.

(1:21:28) Codey: you can also infinitely refresh the villager requests.

(1:21:37) Al: Ooh, yes.

(1:21:38) Codey: So some of the villager requests are on a special or something and

(1:21:43) Codey: they give you double money.

(1:21:46) Codey: few of them. So if you have done all the villager requests that you are interested in and you’re

(1:21:50) Codey: waiting for more to refresh, you can literally just refresh as much as you want. It does

(1:21:56) Codey: not change the amount of time that things regrow. Also the portals, there’s like a portalling

(1:22:00) Al: No, yes, that’s that’s the one I don’t I never use them because it basically defeats the purpose having an advert for them, because it’s like the whole point of those is to move fast and now I have to watch an advert for it.

(1:22:03) Codey: system by using wells.

(1:22:10) Codey: Yeah, yeah, and now so you I don’t have to anymore it I will say it is a little instead of

(1:22:16) Al: » Yeah.

(1:22:23) Codey: Like making it so I spent the money and now I just never get asked about

(1:22:30) Codey: Watching a video. It still is says do you want to watch a video?

(1:22:33) Codey: But it the you just hit the yes, and it just doesn’t watch the video

(1:22:38) Codey: Yeah, instead of like coding an entirely new

(1:22:40) Codey: like part time of the gate or removing the ad requests.

(1:22:46) Codey: I’m not entirely sure how it would be coded,

(1:22:48) Codey: but it’s still there.

(1:22:50) Codey: It’s just that it’s green and you can just keep going.

(1:22:55) Codey: So at first after I did it, I was like,

(1:22:56) Codey: do I have to refresh my game?

(1:22:58) Codey: Like why is it still asking me if I want to watch an ad?

(1:23:00) Codey: But I personally, I think it’s worth it.

(1:23:06) Al: Yeah, so let’s talk about that. So it is, I think, very cheap. That is five quid for

(1:23:21) Al: Basically removing every ad from the game except in the.

(1:23:24) Codey: Yeah. Which that’s just when you die, basically. So like, whenever you die, it’s like, do you want,

(1:23:31) Codey: and maybe for the chests in the dungeon, maybe I’ll run around in the dungeon and see if,

(1:23:35) Codey: what all it does. But like, when you die in the dungeon, it offers for you to either use an

(1:23:42) Codey: amulet or watch a video. So that if you don’t want to lose your progress or whatever, then you won’t.

(1:23:51) Codey: But, yeah, I’m not, I don’t.

(1:23:54) Codey: I don’t go to the dungeon a ton, so it’s not a big deal.

(1:23:56) Al: Yeah, and I think I’m fine with that one still existing, right? Because the whole point is the dungeon is meant to be a challenge, right?

(1:23:57) Codey: But there are also gold chests.

(1:24:01) Codey: Correct.

(1:24:04) Al: Like, so the ad isn’t there. I mean, obviously, it’s nice for them, it makes the money, whatever, but it’s not to try and convince you to pay in the game.

(1:24:14) Al: It’s to make the dungeon somewhat of a challenge.

(1:24:18) Codey: Yes. Yeah, I’m just going through the dungeon looking for a golden chest now to see if you have to.

(1:24:24) Al: Oh yeah, I had one more thing that I love about this game. So something that really

(1:24:24) Codey: Mm-hmm.

(1:24:28) Al: annoys me about farming games, that most games, almost every single game has this, is there’s

(1:24:34) Al: a certain radius around yourself that items will be added to your inventory. And if they’re

(1:24:38) Codey: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

(1:24:42) Al: not close enough to you, then you have to go closer to it to get it if you run away

(1:24:47) Al: tough. This game has basically an infinite radius that you’ll get items for.

(1:24:54) Al: There’s a smaller radius and then there’s everything else. The smaller radius is things

(1:24:58) Codey: Mm-hmm

(1:24:59) Al: that will get picked up immediately. If things don’t get picked up immediately, they will

(1:25:01) Codey: Mm-hmm

(1:25:03) Al: chase you around the map until they get to you. I wasn’t trying to, I just wanted to

(1:25:05) Codey: Have you have you tried to escape your items like I have

(1:25:12) Al: see how it worked and yeah, they’re faster than you. Just very slightly faster than you,

(1:25:17) Al: so they will eventually catch up to you. It’s very funny like running around and having

(1:25:19) Codey: Yeah

(1:25:21) Al: orange is following you.

(1:25:23) Codey: I agree

(1:25:25) Al: But I love that, because it means you don’t have to go like,

(1:25:29) Al: oh, I’m going to make sure that I get all these things.

(1:25:31) Al: No, no, no, no.

(1:25:32) Al: Just do what you need to do and run away.

(1:25:34) Al: Keep doing what you’re doing.

(1:25:35) Al: Because that is the whole point of this game,

(1:25:38) Al: is it’s fast, immediate, we’re doing things,

(1:25:41) Al: and then we’re done.

(1:25:43) Al: It’s not like I’m trying to do everything possible

(1:25:46) Al: and be the most efficient I can be.

(1:25:48) Al: It’s just like, let me just run around and do things.

(1:25:50) Codey: Yeah, and I think once you pay that small fee,

(1:25:55) Codey: you can game guzzle this game.

(1:25:57) Codey: It removes a lot of the time waiting.

(1:25:58) Al: Yeah. You can just keep fishing if there’s nothing else to do.

(1:26:04) Codey: Yep, you just keep fishing.

(1:26:06) Codey: You just review, renew villager requests.

(1:26:11) Codey: If you have 100 milk and no villager requests

(1:26:15) Codey: are asking for milk, you just renew that,

(1:26:17) Codey: refresh that baby over and over and over again.

(1:26:21) Codey: Yeah, I do.

(1:26:23) Codey: I really like this game.

(1:26:25) Codey: The last thing that I noticed that we haven’t really talked

(1:26:28) Codey: about is the key making.

(1:26:30) Codey: Have you done this yet?

(1:26:30) Al: Yes, yeah, so I initially didn’t do the key making because I was like, yeah, I’ll just

(1:26:35) Al: watch an ad and I didn’t have copper at that point. And then, yeah, I saw that, oh, I can

(1:26:39) Al: make a key. Not sure why it costs money to make a key as well, but OK, we can we can

(1:26:45) Al: ignore that. So, yeah, there’s artifacts that you can get, which you get them just by doing

(1:26:53) Al: things. You come across chests and the chests have artifacts in them and you need to unlock

(1:26:58) Al: the chests and this is where you can do

(1:27:01) Al: the key making it’s a fun little minigame

(1:27:04) Codey: It really is!

(1:27:06) Al: you basically you have the key shape and there’s like a number is like eight six or eight different

(1:27:12) Al: possible shapes each part of the key can have and you have different drill bits basically so you

(1:27:18) Al: have like you get an outline of what the key should look like and you get a key that isn’t

(1:27:25) Al: drilled and then you have to use the right drill bits and use them on the right bits of the key

(1:27:31) Al: to go the right distance as well to make the key it’s not particularly difficult but it’s fun

(1:27:35) Codey: Yeah, I mean, but it’s fun to try and get 100% like because if I have done 100 once and it is I am chasing that high for the rest of my life.

(1:27:41) Al: I haven’t managed 100% yet I have managed 99% but I’ve not managed 100 oh nice

(1:27:51) Codey: I mean, because if you go over the the key, like if if you don’t shave enough off of the time, or if you go a little too much.

(1:28:05) Codey: You’re not going to get 100 like you’ll probably get like 98 99 whatever.

(1:28:07) Al: Yeah. Do you know how much you need to get to open the chest because I’ve never failed it yet?

(1:28:09) Codey: But.

(1:28:14) Codey: Oh, I’ve never failed either. So I don’t know.

(1:28:16) Al: I think I’ve always been above 90%.

(1:28:19) Codey: Here let me.

(1:28:21) Codey: I’m gonna I’m gonna do it.

(1:28:22) Al: You’re gonna do a really bad one.

(1:28:23) Codey: Do a bad one where I’m just gonna do like the basic here we go basic drill bit.

(1:28:31) Codey: Boop, boop, boop, boop, all done.

(1:28:35) Codey: 54% still let me open the small chest.

(1:28:38) Al: I wonder if the higher your percentage the more likely you are to get raider things possibly

(1:28:46) Codey: that was a very bottom like the place if the placement on the list of possible

(1:28:54) Codey: things that you could have gotten goes from like common to rare common being

(1:29:00) Codey: top left and rare being the bottom right that was very top versus I normally get

(1:29:05) Codey: bigger higher ones and they’re lower but I mean and it’s random and you can get

(1:29:10) Al: Who knows?

(1:29:12) Codey: repeats so it’s it’s I don’t know but it tickles

(1:29:16) Codey: the the key making process itself tickles my brain in a great way there’s

(1:29:21) Codey: also a bit of a time I don’t know if you have this turned on or what you’re

(1:29:24) Codey: playing this on but on my phone it’s like a tactile thing whenever you’re

(1:29:29) Codey: shaving off the part with the drill bit my phone like vibrates a little bit

(1:29:34) Al: possibly I’m not doing it right now so I’m not sure I can’t remember whether it does that or not.

(1:29:40) Codey: I love it.

(1:29:41) Al: Fair enough.

(1:29:41) Codey: It’s like telling me like, yeah, you are shaving stuff off

(1:29:45) Al: You’re actively drilling drilling.

(1:29:45) Codey: right now.

(1:29:47) Codey: You are actively removing content

(1:29:49) Codey: from this key at this moment.

(1:29:51) Codey: I’m going to do it again.

(1:29:52) Codey: I’m going to see if I get 100.

(1:29:54) Codey: Yeah, I think this game is super cute.

(1:29:59) Codey: I see how it could be a completely fully formed game

(1:30:02) Codey: as it is, but I do also see how they could implement more stuff.

(1:30:07) Codey: I’m also really, I want the, I want to know what happened.

(1:30:10) Codey: Where is everybody?

(1:30:12) Al: need to let us know when you get there because I don’t think I’ll get there. It’s fun, but I can’t

(1:30:19) Al: really see myself continuing to do this over any other random thing I do on my phone. It’s fine,

(1:30:26) Codey: Mm-hmm. That’s fair.

(1:30:27) Al: and I think it is a good game, and I have enjoyed what I’ve been doing, but I feel like the amount

(1:30:35) Al: to unlock the house feels so high that I have to put so much effort into it that I don’t.

(1:30:38) Codey: Mm hmm. Yeah.

(1:30:42) Al: I don’t really feel like I want to. Everything else is like, “Oh, I need 500 to do this. Okay,

(1:30:50) Al: done. It’ll take me five minutes at most to do that.” Or this thing that I’m currently working

(1:30:57) Al: on, I need a whole 1200 to get to. That might take me 10 minutes, not particularly difficult,

(1:31:03) Al: whereas I need 18,000 and 220 stone, 80 sheep’s will, and that’s fine.

(1:31:12) Al: 30 copper. It just feels like that’s going to take weeks to do.

(1:31:15) Codey: Mm-hmm. It’s very fair. Um, yeah, let me look at what the second house, it increases as, as is tradition, um, and I’m currently trying to save up for the second house, but I also keep, uh, 27,000 is what it is, 27,250 wood, 170 stone, 90 shoe pool, 60 copper, 30 silver.

(1:31:36) Al: See, that just feels like an increase on the previous one, like a kind of standard increase.

(1:31:43) Al: It doesn’t feel like an exponential increase like the first one did. You know?

(1:31:46) Codey: Mm hmm. Yeah, yeah, I that that 18,000 really hits you.

(1:31:52) Codey: But you know what in this economy, that’s how much cost houses cost.

(1:31:56) Codey: I get it. I get it.

(1:31:58) Al: Yeah, yeah. Maybe you’ll find out as you get through the story.

(1:31:59) Codey: So I’m not entirely sure why the housing market is that high

(1:32:02) Codey: when there’s no humans around.

(1:32:05) Codey: I better if I do all I’m going to

(1:32:10) Codey: if I spent $8 on this game.

(1:32:13) Codey: No, I’ve definitely already got my money’s worth.

(1:32:15) Codey: So.

(1:32:19) Al: All right, so outro to the game.

(1:32:23) Al: If you’ve been looking for a farming game on your phone,

(1:32:26) Al: and you’re fed up of all the ones that are basically just–

(1:32:29) Al: it’s Farmville, but with a different skin.

(1:32:31) Al: Sometimes not even with a different skin,

(1:32:33) Al: just a different name.

(1:32:34) Codey: Mm-hmm.

(1:32:36) Al: You want something a bit different.

(1:32:38) Al: Try this.

(1:32:39) Al: I think it’s really fun.

(1:32:40) Al: And the free version, you could continue playing forever

(1:32:44) Al: if you wanted, but also

(1:32:46) Al: the game is complete free, and the paying just gets rid of the ads, and if you’re enjoying it, it is pretty cheap to get rid of those ads, and I think it is the least money-grabby of any mobile farming game that we’ve played, full stop.

(1:33:04) Codey: Yeah, I agree.

(1:33:07) Codey: I think that, except for maybe Honey Grove,

(1:33:10) Codey: but I think that I can see why they have ads,

(1:33:17) Codey: and it’s not in your face, like in an annoying way,

(1:33:20) Codey: it’s just they made this game, they spent time on it,

(1:33:23) Codey: they would like to get some return on it.

(1:33:25) Al: They would like compensated for their labor.

(1:33:29) Codey: How dare, and so that totally makes sense.

(1:33:34) Codey: It’s well worth giving a little bit more.

(1:33:38) Al: Yeah, for sure.

(1:33:42) Al: All right, I think we’re done then.

(1:33:44) Codey: Yep

(1:33:45) Al: Thank you, Cody, for joining me.

(1:33:47) Al: Where can people find you on the internet?

(1:33:49) Codey: I am still on Instagram at hiking beagle be eagle where I

(1:33:55) Codey: Talk about most mostly like mental health and my dogs

(1:34:00) Codey: and other funny ha ha’s also music and then I am also on blue sky where I talk more about science and

(1:34:11) Codey: creating a union for my university and rail against the government.

(1:34:14) Codey: So, and that’s just my name, Cody Mathis.

(1:34:18) Al: You can find me on at thescotbot. You can find the podcast on tumblr at thspod

(1:34:18) Codey: Yeah, what about you?

(1:34:28) Al: and some other places but just go to our website where you can find links

(1:34:34) Al: to everything and a feedback form to send us feedback and yeah give us some feedback tell

(1:34:38) Codey: Sure haven’t gotten feedback in a while.

(1:34:41) Al: us what do they want to tell us this this episode.

(1:34:45) Codey: They want to tell us what to call the January like monthly release thing.

(1:34:48) Al: Yes the what the what released last month segment.

(1:34:53) Codey: And if you personally believe in the prognostication of weather by a rodent in Pennsylvania.

(1:35:00) Al: No. One of the links you can find on our website is to our Patreon,,

(1:35:02) Codey: Let people enjoy things.

(1:35:12) Al: where you can support the podcast if you so wish. In exchange for financially supporting

(1:35:18) Al: the podcast, you will get access to our Slack, where we talk about all sorts of things and

(1:35:24) Al: Cody posts while we’re recording for some reason.

(1:35:26) Codey: I did. I sure did. And it’s worth it. Listeners, if you’ve seen the post and you’re like,

(1:35:33) Codey: my goodness, what did she post? Now is where you can go and view the post now.

(1:35:40) Codey: It’s becoming a recurring thing. I like it where I say something on the podcast, I post a photo,

(1:35:45) Codey: and it’s like, don’t look at this thread until you’ve listened to the episode and then people

(1:35:49) Codey: have to go back and see it. And sometimes it’s cute. And sometimes it’s…

(1:35:53) Al: I can’t even remember what this picture was in relation to.

(1:35:56) Al: What were you saying at the time?

(1:35:57) Codey: Oh, I literally said nothing. It was just cute. I just posted it. Yep.

(1:35:59) Al: You just posted it.

(1:36:00) Al: I see the show notes.

(1:36:01) Al: The show notes are in the picture and my face.

(1:36:04) Codey: Yep. I was just recording and I was just… Should I blur out your face?

(1:36:09) Al: No, it’s fine.

(1:36:10) Codey: Okay. Yeah, I was just recording and it was real cute. And so yeah, I was like,

(1:36:12) Al: It’s on the Slack.

(1:36:17) Codey: I’m going to take this. It’s my happy place, y’all, right there.

(1:36:22) Al: You also get access to our bonus podcast episodes. We will have a few upcoming

(1:36:28) Al: Pokemon days coming soon, so we’ll probably do some predictions for that,

(1:36:30) Codey: Mmhmm.

(1:36:32) Al: and then we’ll do some reactions to that. And then some other things,

(1:36:35) Codey: Yep, probably.

(1:36:37) Al: Eurovision season starting, so we need to plan the Eurovision ones.

(1:36:41) Codey: I really enjoy Electric Callboy’s new song,

(1:36:44) Codey: Elevator Operator, it’s real good.

(1:36:46) Al: Not Eurovision, but yes, I agree, it’s a fun song.

(1:36:47) Codey: They should be, they should have been on Eurovision

(1:36:51) Codey: like eight times by now.

(1:36:53) Codey: Maybe they’ll do it with Elevator Operator.

(1:36:55) Codey: I mean, maybe they’ll win.

(1:36:56) Al: Did they not did they not explicitly say they didn’t want to represent their country?

(1:37:00) Codey: Oh, that, good for them.

(1:37:04) Codey: Yeah, they got other stuff going on.

(1:37:08) Al: Uh, uh, also Caria released a new song as well, which is fun.

(1:37:13) Al: It’s a San Francisco boy.

(1:37:15) Al: It’s called, it’s all about partying.

(1:37:18) Codey: What uh who did oh the guy that um yeah okay cool I will have to listen to that too he’s a good egg

(1:37:20) Al: Caria, cha, cha, cha.

(1:37:24) Al: I enjoyed it.

(1:37:27) Al: Uh, this has turned into a Eurovision episode.

(1:37:30) Al: Uh, that’s everything.

(1:37:33) Al: Thank you, Cody, for joining me.

(1:37:35) Codey: Thank you for having me.

(1:37:37) Al: Thank you listeners for listening.

(1:37:38) Al: And until next time, have a good harvest.

(1:37:40) Codey: Have a good harvest.

(1:37:41) Theme Tune: The harvest season is created by Al McKinlay, with support from our patrons, including our

(1:37:43) Al: A-woo!

(1:37:43) Codey: Ow, ow, ow!

(1:37:44) Codey: - Ooh.

(1:37:52) Theme Tune: pro farmers, Kevin, Stuart and Alisa.

(1:37:56) Theme Tune: Our art is done by Micah the Brave, and our music is done by Nick Burgess.

(1:38:01) Theme Tune: Feel free to visit our website,, for show notes and links to things we discussed

(1:38:07) Theme Tune: in this episode.

(1:38:16) Al: All right, we’re going to clap in three, two, one clap.

(1:38:18) Codey: Oh, God. The way I dropped my mango so fast.

(1:38:25) Al: What kind of mango? Wait, you said mango, not melon.

(1:38:28) Al: Nevermind. What kind of mango? Mango mango.