With the situation on The Cube escalating further and further out of control, the crew of the Maverick need to work both together and independently if they have any chance of surviving long enough to clear their name. Durrin makes a threat. Merrick reunites with someone from his past. Cody takes a leap of faith.
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Theme Song: "Escaped from the Lost Temple" by Eugene Levitas (ASCAP)
Additional music credit:
"Laser Trip Wire" by Michael Adels (BMI)
"We Are Busted" by Michael Adels (BMI)
"Axon" by Zen Man - (https://pixabay.com/music/deep-house-intro-04-edm-axon-6585/)
"Vampires Hunt At Night" by Tilman Sillescu (BMI)
"Get Out of Here" by Joel Randolf Steudler (BMI)
"Around Every Corner" by Michael Adels (BMI)
"Cinematic Space Marine" by Zen Man (https://pixabay.com/music/action-cinematic-space-marine-3508/)
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