Session 7 - The Whispering Woods (Part III)

Episode Artwork
0% played 00:00 00:00
Feb 23 2022 93 mins   10

The crew's community service sentence takes a turn when a stranger appears at the gates of Kaiya with the warnings of a new threat. Merrick takes a stand. Cody redeems himself. Durrin finds a cherished snack.

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Theme Song: "Escaped from the Lost Temple" by Eugene Levitas (ASCAP)

Additional Music:

"Cinematic Horror Drone" by Zen Man - (

"Cosmic Trance" by JuliusH (

"Near Danger" by GuilhermeBernardes (

"Action Epic Cinematic Victory" by ZakharValaha (

"Modular Ambient 02" by Zen Man (

"Natural Theme" by Alexander Roeder

"Hope and despair" by Airda (

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