Jan 05 2022 91 mins 26
Despite the complications, the Maverick returns to The Cube having successfully completed their contract for the TVRN Oversight Guild. While Captain Benson reports their findings and the rest of the crew tend to the damage inflict to both ship and personnel, our heroes do what TVRNs do best and take on some contracts. Durrin runs into familiar face. Merrick turns down a tempting offer. Cody finds himself in a sticky situation.
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Theme Song: "Escaped from the Lost Temple" by Eugene Levitas (ASCAP)
Additional music credit:
"Smooth Cruise" by Emerson Palame (BMI) & Emilio Palame (BMI)
"Feeling Free" by KeyunKalel (https://pixabay.com/music/upbeat-feeling-free-mood-music-7994/)
"Stealth Escape" by aldermanswe (https://pixabay.com/music/beats-stealth-escape-3937/)
"Taskmaster" by Michael Adels (BMI)
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