Feb 09 2022 102 mins 12
They say the moment before you die, your life flashes before your eyes. Merrick meets an enigmatic new friend. Cody silently solves a problem. Durrin finishes a mission.
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Theme Song: "Escaped from the Lost Temple" by Eugene Levitas (ASCAP)
"Lazy Desert Incidental Music #6" by Astrofreq (https://pixabay.com/music/solo-guitar-lazy-desert-incidental-music-6-2618/)
"Summertime" by Julius H (https://pixabay.com/music/smooth-jazz-summertime-dreamy-piano-ballad-1141/)
"Lazy Desert Incidental Music #4" by Astrofreq (https://pixabay.com/music/solo-guitar-lazy-desert-incidental-music-4-2617/)
"There is Hope" by Alexander Roeder
"Fossil Evidence" by Mark Chosak (BMI)
"Canción Triste" by Luis Enrique Guerra Naveda (https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-cancion-triste-1502/)
"The White Lion" by Guilherme Bernardes William (https://pixabay.com/music/main-title-the-white-lion-10379/)
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