Apr 22 2024 55 mins
This is episode 11 and features the incredible Sam from Jo Divine. She has exceptional knowledge in the field of sexual wellness, sex toys and lubricants. We all need to ensure we have skin safe products, ones that don’t cause vaginal irritations and infections such as thrush. Often the high street is not a great place to find vaginal friendly sex products! But Jo Divine is a place to shop for safe, effective products as well as evidence based information. Jo Divine, an online store, was founded by Sam and her husband, Paul, in 2007 and allows you to shop skin-safe products discreetly.
I often recommend (to both sex coaching clients and my medical patients) the Sutil lubricants and the Yes lubricants as well as the IMMY for women new to sex toys or who are very apprehensive. Jo Divine have a very helpful health brochure to signpost NHS patients too.
The Jo Divine website is www.jodivine.com
Follow on Instagram @Jo.Divine
Follow Sam on Instagram @samtalkssex
As always stay in touch with me via email [email protected] or DM via the social media channels Instagram, Facebook or Threads @pressingdesires
Remember to let me know the results of your Red/Amber/Green light act from this show!
You can see my website https://pressingdesires.mykajabi.com/ or www.pressing-desires.com and sign up to my emails and get your free ebook there.
Let me know your thoughts on this show, I’m always keen to hear your views.
Love and light
Dr Liza