Original Understudies - EP97 - Kryptonite

Jun 24 2024 50 mins  

Andrew swings in with the timeless question, What is our Kryptonite?

If you wanted to send a suggestion in, there is no easier way than going to the webpage OriginalUnderstudies.com Don't forget to add some sort of name to credit the suggestion to.

This episode would not be possible with the unending support of our Post Audio Engineer and Sound Designer , Toivo Kallio.


That music at the start... You know who that is? It is The Quick Six, I bet you would love their whole album "County Line" check it out!

Todays Understudies are...

Shannon Bacchus - @TheShannonBacchus

James Heaney - James Plays Elden Ring

Mary Doodles - @Marydoodles

Rob Gamble - @GobertRamble

Tess McCarthy -@BrelaMay

Landon Kirksey LandonKirksey.com