Jul 02 2024 50 mins
JohnKew. From running a drumming channel with 60K subscribers and a video with 1.2M views to being a full time archaeologist and now a pickleball paddle reviewer. This was recorded at the JOOLA media event in March 2024. https://www.johnkewpickleball.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@johnkewpickleball #pickleball #pickleballhighlights #pickleballpaddle 00:00 intro 03:04 john's upcoming reviews (april, june) 04:24 the review process 05:51 how he ended up in pickleball 10:42 the reviewer community 12:22 explaining power v pop 14:05 understanding paddle terminology 16:38 what makes his channel different 20:54 why john's biceps are so big 25:35 diet 27:00 life, book recommendations 28:58 stoic philosophy 30:14 reviewers get together in Vegas 34:21 the impact he wants to leave on PB 35:37 PT archaeology FT PB 38:38 starting a new career at an older age 42:38 johnkew podcast 45:35 future content plans 46:58 closing 👤 CONTACT: Sponsorship, ad space: Email: [email protected] 📸 Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buildingpickleball 📝 Subscribe to my newsletter: https://buildingpb.beehiiv.com/subscribe 🎗️SPONSOR: - Vuori discount: https://vuori.com/buildingpickleball - Not only will you receive 20% off your first purchase, but free shipping on any U.S. orders over $75 and free returns. Go to vuori.com/buildingpickleball and discover the versatility of Vuori Clothing 💲DISCOUNT CODES 💲 (using these helps support the channel) • Vuori: 20% discount applied at checkout https://vuoriclothing.com/buildingpickleball • SixZero: BD10 https://www.sixzeropickleball.com/ • UDrippin: BP https://www.udrippin.com/ • Vatic Pro: BP-10 https://vaticpro.com/ • Pickleball Superstore: BrianL-104899 Use this URL: https://pickleballsuperstore.com/discount/BrianL-104899 • JOOLA: BP10 https://joolausa.com/pickleball/ • BreadNButter: BP https://www.bnbpickleball.com/ • Be Free Bars: protein energy bars https://befreebar.com/ • PCKL (balls): BUILDINGPB15 https://pckl.com/ Looking for a moving company in Austin? Check out https://heavenlymove.com/ Looking for art? Check out https://millennialcollectivestore.com/ 📲 FOLLOW 📲 • Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5aPtDs5VOnqpbQpF12SLZN • Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/building-pickleball/id1666931896 I use Epidemic Sound, sign up for a 30-day free trial here https://share.epidemicsound.com/iro87j