Jul 16 2024 55 mins
If you think that only those with high incomes, and/or those who don't encounter many challenges in life, can achieve lofty financial goals in just a few years, this episode is for you.
Lindsey is a social worker living in an expensive city in New England. With a lower income and a long list of obstacles she's encountered throughout her life (e.g., growing up with divorced parents who fought about money, navigating paying for undergrad and grad school, moving to an expensive city, recovering from debilitating injury, surviving the resulting period of no income, fighting for fair compensation), Lindsey had every reason to live (and stay) paycheck to paycheck. Instead, here is what she accomplished in a four-year timeframe: fully funded 6-month emergency fund, maxed-out IRA contributions every year (+ more in a 401k!), home ownership, accelerated paydown of student loans, cash-funded car purchase, and more.
Listen to Lindsey's experiences to hear how powerful it is to use specific, measurable, motivating goals to help you achieve your dreams and resist any temptation to spend your money on what society tells you you "should" do.
If you have a story to share and are interested in being on this podcast, reach out to Jeff at [email protected].
For more information about Jeff and the coaching services he offers, check out his website at www.wisemoneymentor.com.
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