Takeovers, £100m whisky, and decoding stock market jargon

Dec 20 2024 45 mins   7

In this episode of Companies and Markets Weekly, I’m joined by Megan Boxall, Graham Neary and Roland Head. We discuss:

  • Their take on the news they’ve covered in this week’s Daily Stock Market Reports, including IntegraFin, Insig AI, ShoeZone, and Artisanal Spirits
  • Common buzzwords and phrases you might hear in company updates or management presentations, and why companies choose to use such obfuscatory language
  • The surprising results from 10 years of Stockopedia’s systematic “no admin portfolio system”
  • A look ahead to what’s coming up over the festive break

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Stocks discussed:

IntegraFin: https://www.stockopedia.com/share-prices/integrafin-holdings-LON:IHP/

Insig AI: https://www.stockopedia.com/share-prices/insig-ai-LON:INSG/

ShoeZone: https://www.stockopedia.com/share-prices/shoe-zone-LON:SHOE/

Artisanal Spirits: https://www.stockopedia.com/share-prices/artisanal-spirits-LON:ART/

Next: https://www.stockopedia.com/share-prices/next-LON:NXT/

Games Workshop: https://www.stockopedia.com/share-prices/games-workshop-LON:GAW/

Berkshire Hathaway: https://www.stockopedia.com/share-prices/berkshire-hathaway-NYQ:BRK.B/

Cognex: https://www.stockopedia.com/share-prices/cognex-NSQ:CGNX/

Extra Stockopedia content we mention:

Translating the market lingo (subscriber only): https://www.stockopedia.com/content/translating-the-market-lingo-1018436

How a decade of NAPS portfolios beat every fund manager in the UK (subscriber only): https://www.stockopedia.com/content/how-a-decade-of-naps-portfolios-beat-every-fund-manager-in-the-uk-1018242

Host: Lawrence Judd

Analysts: Megan Boxall, Graham Neary, Roland Head


At the time of recording, Megan holds shares in Cognex (CGNX). Graham holds shares in Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B) and Next (NXT).

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