47 Is Taiwan safe? 台灣安全嗎?歐洲博士用中文說台灣政治 |Taiwan Mandarin with Local Podcast
00:00:00 Preview預告
00:00:13 Concerns About Moving to Taipei 搬到臺北的擔憂
00:01:35 If China attacks Taiwan…如果中國攻打台灣…
00:03:05 How Various Countries Approach "One China Policy" 各國怎麼看「一個中國」原則
00:09:55 The Opportunity of Taiwan 台灣的機會
00:15:55 Democratization in Taiwan 台灣的民主化
00:22:07 Countries Supporting Taiwan 挺台的國家
00:29:35 Relatively Healthy Democracy in Taiwan 相對健康的台灣民主
00:32:54 Professors and Students in Taiwan 談台灣的教授和學生
00:35:38 Interesting Electoral System of Taiwan's Legislative Yuan 台灣立法院有意思的選舉方式
✩特別感謝比利時根特大學博士生洛明Jasper Roctus接受訪問
Special thanks to Jasper Roctus, PhD student at Ghent University in Belgium, for joining the interview.✩
✩延伸閱讀 Reading
The EU and Taiwan: Normalizing the Status Quo Security Policy Briefs (26-10-2023) https://shorturl.at/nswYZ
ーーーーSubtitles available in many Languages on Youtubeーーーーーー
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