52 Taiwan Food Diplomacy 台灣美食外交

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Sep 01 2024 9 mins   6

00:00 前言 Preview

00:30 可以讓我們找到自己、認識自己特色的方式 Ways to Discover and Understand Our Unique Characteristics

05:40 美食外交-台灣 Food Diplomacy - Taiwan

06:50 結語 Conclusion

Hours of Production: 8 hours for ep.51&52.



2024 Taiwanese Cultural Program at the Paris Olympics:https://cotpe.tw/tw/about.html

2024 State Banquet Menu for the Inauguration:https://english.president.gov.tw/Page/655

Recipe from 1932: https://journal.ndhu.edu.tw/日治時代的台灣料理──曾品滄/

Numnonda, T. (1978). Pibulsongkram’s Thai Nation-Building Programme during the Japanese Military Presence, 1941-1945. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 9(2), 234–247. http://www.jstor.org/stable/20062726

Safronova, V. (2024, January 24). Kitchen Diplomacy: How governments use food as a soft power. The Parliament Magazine. https://www.theparliamentmagazine.eu/news/article/food-diplomacy-gastrodiplomacy-europe

Lipscomb, A. (2019, March 27). Culinary relations: Gastrodiplomacy in Thailand, South Korea, and Taiwan - The Yale review of international studies. The Yale Review of International Studies.


Maayasi, A. (2019, November 7). The Oddly Autocratic Roots of Pad Thai. Atlas Obscura. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/who-invented-pad-thai

Mayyasi, A. (2022, March 20). The invention of pad Thai. Priceonomics. https://priceonomics.com/the-invention-of-pad-thai/

Parasecoli, F. (2022, August 20). How Countries Use Food to Win Friends and Influence People. Foreign Policy.


Video mentioned :

Food History: Enjoy Pad Thai! (Or you're a traitor) by OTR Food & History


Thailand Michelin Restaurant mentioned: https://guide.michelin.com/en/bangkok-region/bangkok/restaurant/gaggan-anand


\✩Thank you for the support 感謝本月支持:John (大 Taiwan VIP), Thomas (大 Taiwan VIP) Dave Koslow (Student VIP)✩//

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↠35 [香港旅行] 香港人令我驚訝!Hong Kong ppl are ?! https://youtu.be/1Jw90C4Pe6E





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