Feb 28 2025
- The Monochrome Set - Eine Symphonie des Grauens
- Viagra Boys - Uno II
- Cindy Lee - Lockstep
- Cindy Lee - Diamond Cheque
- Total Control - Carpet Rash
- rogov - The Sun Keeps on Shining
- Guided By Voices - Game Of Pricks
- The Wake - Torn Calendar
- Mark Mills - Circles
- Holy Void - Focus, Right
- Gum Country - There's a Crumb
- Holy Void - The Restless
- Sky Ferrari - Everything is embarrassing
- Sunglaceries - Cursed
- Roche limit - Cosmonaut
- Sleepkit - It's incredible!
- Magalena bay, Grimes - Image - Grimes Special
- Kiaski Mercury - Call me back
- Kiesza, Sugar Jesus, MKJ - heaven aint calling- MKJ Remix
- Reve - Hyper Sexual
- Blu Detiger - Hey You
- Malcolm - 3 AM
- astyplaz - I can see you fade