Aug 29 2023 75 mins
Melody Vaccaro, executive director of
Nebraskans Against Gun Violence
and Jay talk about Nebraska
“Provide for carrying of concealed handguns without a permit, change provisions relating to concealed weapons, and prohibit certain regulation of weapons by cities, villages, and counties.”
042.mp3 (1h 15m 31MB)
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- 1m: 2023 Nebraskans Against Gun Violence (NAGV): Great job Omaha Metro (we’re kidding)
- 2m: 2017 NAGV: How the NRA Punked Nebraska’s District 13
- 3m: 2023 Nebraska LB77 Final Vote
- 31m: 2011 Millard South High School shooting
- 32m: 2023 Fifth grader brought loaded gun to Lincoln school, LPS says
- 34m: 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
- 40m: 2023 Omaha Target store shooting
- 1h 13m: Seeing Red Nebraska Podcast
Editing note:
Melody: Can you change the title from constitutional carry to permitless carry
or gun law changes or whatever else? Const. carry is actually a propaganda
slogan used to spread the idea that gun laws are not allowed by order of the
constitution, which is very much untrue.
Jay: Yup, back at a computer in 30m, thanks.