Feb 13 2025 43 mins 1
On Primal Screen we review three films that have just hit cinemas!
THE BRUTALIST is the epic period drama following a visionary architectwho (Adrian Brody) has fled post-war Europe to America for the chance of a new life. Everything changes once he meets a wealthy industrialist (Guy Pierce) who commissions his work.
A COMPLETE UNKNOWN is the Bob Dylan musical biopic we’ve all been waiting for. Directed by James Mangold (WALK THE LINE) and Timothee Chalamet, the film has been topping the box office in Australia and around the world.
BABYGIRL, the steamy erotic thriller starring Nicole Kidman and Harris Dickinson, follows the consequences of when a high powered CEO puts everything on the line for a torrid affair with a much younger intern.
Flick Ford is joined by Thomas Caldwell and Cerise Howard to share thoughts and reviews for these three very different, yet equally compelling, new release films.
Primal Screen 7pm Monday on @3rrr 102.7 ⚡️