Atlantic Wonder International Summer School
PORTA33 — 27.07.2019
Organização: Departamento de Arte e Design da Universidade da Madeira
Madeira will host the second edition of the Atlantic Wonder Summer School from 23–30 July 2019. The rich biodiversity and presence of various natural ecosystems make of the island the perfect living lab to experiment with and shape a Nature Centred Design approach.This year we will focus on tools and methods that belong to the natural sciences. We will explore and apply these in order to learn about the complex interconnections within natural mechanisms and systems.
The first step in shifting from an anthropocentric to nature centric design approach is to understand nature’s rhythms and needs. Through direct experiences and activities in nature, the participants will work with, and reflect upon, the relationship between the natural sciences and design. By bridging these two worlds we aim to foster insights that can inform the public about natural cycles, routes and rhythms and to design for sustainable and resilient systems.
Participants will interact with experts from a range of disciplines in the natural sciences and design, while developing an interdisciplinary mindset and approach towards sustainable development.
Vanessa De Luca
She is a design traveler and explorer. She is studying wildplants and related folk knowledge in the Mediterranean area as completion of her herbalism training and holistic medicine formation. Currently she is part of the Laboratory of visual (SUPSI) in Switzerland leading international projects and interdisciplinary initiatives. PhD in Design and Multimedia Communication, her explorations of the links between nature and interactive technologies promote a designer approach focusing on the growth of skills of cooperation among tools and people within sharing contexts of networking. Her research explores how design, services and interactive artifacts can create a positive shifts for an healthy lifestyles and a sustainable society. Vanessa has carried out many articles, research and business projects on games and interactive interfaces for behavioural change, smart services, educational tools, design for wellbeing, ICT for environmental and cultural heritage.