If you’re a firefighter, dropping your tools doesn’t just require
you to unlearn habits and disregard instincts. Discarding your
equipment means admitting failure and shedding part of your
identity. You have to rethink your goal in your job—and your role in
life. “Fires are not fought with bodies and bare hands, they are fought
with tools that are often distinctive trademarks of firefighters,”
organizational psychologist Karl Weick explains: “They are the
firefighter’s reason for being deployed in the first place. . . . Dropping
one’s tools creates an existential crisis. Without my tools, who am I?”
Wildland fires are relatively rare. Most of our lives don’t depend
on split-second decisions that force us to reimagine our tools as a
source of danger and a fire as a path to safety. Yet the challenge of
rethinking assumptions is surprisingly common—maybe even
common to all humans.
We all make the same kind of mistakes as smokejumpers and
firefighters, but the consequences are less dire and therefore often go
unnoticed. Our ways of thinking become habits that can weigh us
down, and we don’t bother to question them until it’s too late.
Expecting your squeaky brakes to keep working until they finally fail
on the freeway. Believing the stock market will keep going up after
analysts warn of an impending real estate bubble. Assuming your
marriage is fine despite your partner’s increasing emotional distance.
Feeling secure in your job even though some of your colleagues have
been laid off.
This book is about the value of rethinking. It’s about adopting
the kind of mental flexibility that saved Wagner Dodge’s life. It’s also
about succeeding where he failed: encouraging that same agility in
You may not carry an ax or a shovel, but you do have some
cognitive tools that you use regularly. They might be things you
know, assumptions you make, or opinions you hold. Some of them
aren’t just part of your job—they’re part of your sense of self.
Consider a group of students who built what has been called
Harvard’s first online social network. Before they arrived at college,
they had already connected more than an eighth of the entering
freshman class in an “e-group.” But once they got to Cambridge, they
abandoned the network and shut it down. Five years later Mark
Zuckerberg started Facebook on the same campus.
From time to time, the students who created the original e-group
have felt some pangs of regret. I know, because I was one of the
cofounders of that group.
Let’s be clear: I never would have had the vision for what
Facebook became. In hindsight, though, my friends and I clearly
missed a series of chances for rethinking the potential of our
platform. Our first instinct was to use the e-group to make new
friends for ourselves; we didn’t consider whether it would be of
interest to students at other schools or in life beyond school. Our
well-learned habit was to use online tools to connect with people far
away; once we lived within walking distance on the same campus, we
figured we no longer needed the e-group. Although one of the
cofounders was studying computer science and another early
member had already founded a successful tech startup, we made the
flawed assumption that an online social network was a passing
hobby, not a huge part of the future of the internet. Since I didn’t
know how to code, I didn’t have the tools to build something more
sophisticated. Launching a company wasn’t part of my identity
anyway: I saw myself as a college freshman, not a budding
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📚هایلایت قسمت 06 کتاب Think Again
(قسمت ششم مقدمه)
✅ dropping : انداختن
✅ unlearn : کنار گذاشتن آموخته ها
✅ disregard : نادیده گرفتن
✅ instincts : حس غریزه
✅ discarding : انداختن
✅ equipment : تجهیزات
✅ admitting : پذیرفتن
✅ shedding : رها کردن
✅ identity : هویت
✅ rethink : تجدید نظر کردن
✅ distinctive : متمایز کننده
✅ trademark : خصیصه
✅ psychologist : روانشناس
✅ existential : وجودی
✅ crisis : بحران
✅ relatively : نسبتا
✅ split- second decision: تصمیم لحظه ای
✅ reimagine : دوباره تصور کردن
✅ assumption : فرضیه
✅ surprisingly common: خیلی رایج
✅ consequences : پیامدها
✅ dire: وخیم
✅ freeway : آزاد راه
✅ real estate :ملک
✅ bubble : حباب
✅ assuming : فرض کردن
✅ increasing : رو به افزایش
✅ emotional : احساسی
✅ colleagues : همکاران
✅ agility : چابکی
✅ shovel : بیل
✅ consider: فکر کردن
✅ social network: شبکه اجتماعی
✅ freshman : سال اولی
✅ abandon: رها کردن
✅ campus : محوطه دانشگاهی
✅ regret : حسرت
✅ cofounder : بنیانگذار
✅ hindsight : با نگاهی به گذشته
✅ potential : پتانسیل
✅ flawed : اشتباه
✅ huge : بزرگ
✅ sophisticated : پیچیده
✅ budding: در حال شکوفایی
✅ entrepreneur : کار آفرین