Sep 25 2020 13 mins 48
“The vault of the richest person in the galaxy stands before the Karkinos crew, but do they have what it takes to steal its contents?”
**The transcript and trigger list can be found at the bottom of this episode description**
Cast and Crew of Today's Episode:
Cap was voiced by Jona Lune
Lutiga was voiced by Nicole Tuttle
Valzin was voiced by Tal Minear
Medic was voiced by Brad
Cesa was voiced by Lanessa Tremblett
Drunk #1 was voiced by Aurore Gautheur
Drunk #2 was voiced by Dylan Shane
Computer Voice was voiced by Anne Kopriva
Guard was voiced by Karin Heimdahl
The Starluxe Gala pt. 2 was written by Jude Reid and Ali Hylton and edited by Sterling Rae
Sound Editing was by Cole Burkhardt and Xander
Music was composed and performed by Benny James
Novitero is a Goose Thunder Network Produced Podcast
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Tumblr/Twitter/Instagram: @noviteropodcast
Fan Discord:
-Hand trauma (being crushed)
-Loud alarms