Part 3 in the Intergalactic History Museum exhibit, It Was Never Just About the Revolution.
If you like our work, please give us a rating or review in iTunes, or wherever else you're listening to our work. It may seem like a small thing, but it really means the world to everyone involved.
It Was Never Just About the Revolution is written, produced, and created by Jacqueline Cho, performed by Sunny Chang, composed by Rachel Leotta, and edited by Lottie Dance.
Logo by Arunika Kannan. Find more of their work @avocadoartist on Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram.
Part of the Multiversal Podcasting Network.
If you like our work, please give us a rating or review in iTunes, or wherever else you're listening to our work. It may seem like a small thing, but it really means the world to everyone involved.
It Was Never Just About the Revolution is written, produced, and created by Jacqueline Cho, performed by Sunny Chang, composed by Rachel Leotta, and edited by Lottie Dance.
Logo by Arunika Kannan. Find more of their work @avocadoartist on Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram.
Part of the Multiversal Podcasting Network.