Feb 27 2025 93 mins
Today on Health & Longevity, Dr. John Westerdahl's featured guests are, Benjamin Lau, M.D., Ph.D _ Clinician Research Scientist and Medical School Professor, and Esther Lau, M.S., R.D. _ Registered Dietitian. Scientific research has revealed that phytonutrients found in plant-based whole foods deliver enormous capabilities to selectively destroy cancer cells while nourishing the healthy cells. As a result, the science of phytotherapy can be the most effective medicine in the prevention and treatment of various forms of cancer. Dr. Benjamin Lau and his wife Esther Lau discuss the concepts of phytotherapy and its use as a powerful therapeutic approach in the treatment of cancer. They are coauthors of the book, Stop Cancer With Phytotherapy with 100_ Anti-Cancer Recipes.