Discourse on Blessings - Maṅgala Sutta (Khp 5, Part IV)

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Feb 12 2021 47 mins  

Talks given by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu on various suttas.

Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu is a Canadian-born Theravada Buddhist monk, ordained in 2001 under the guidance of Venerable Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo. He has taught meditation courses in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition since 2003 and gives online teachings via YouTube, as well as Dhamma talks to both intensive meditators and by invitation to the general public.

Our podcasts: https://podcast.sirimangalo.org/

How To Meditate Booklet: https://htm.sirimangalo.org/

Our Meditation Community and At-Home Meditation Course signup page: https://meditation.sirimangalo.org/

Our Website: https://www.sirimangalo.org/

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Original Youtube video: https://youtu.be/ptrYRl3rvGc

Sutta link on Digital Pali Reader: https://www.digitalpalireader.online/_dprhtml/index.html?loc=k.

Contact: [email protected]

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Keywords: Buddhism, Dhamma, Buddha, Monk, Bhikkhu, Sirimangalo, Yuttadhammo, Tipitaka, Sutta, Aṅguttara, Anguttara, Majjhima, Saṃyutta, Samyutta, Dīgha, Digha, Khuddaka, Nikāya