Feb 16 2024 18 mins
36 - 406 - Fidelity
Caleb’s wife and daughter are outliers and try to help a dude. His daughter looks like an adult milestone. Everyone freezes and the white robots come out. Saw this scene on Facebook.
Hale talks to Caleb about helping each other out. She says his brain is temporary and is already dying.
Bernard takes C below for control unit to fix Maeve. Says they upgraded from the hats to a mirror.
Caleb sees a room full of various stages of himself going crazy. Finds via in time glass and falls over. Wakes up to fire and Portal signs from himself. Lands on pile of his own ash.
Really hinting hard it’s his daughter. She’s mad at Maeve because she was with Caleb when he died. She shoots Bernard for being a spy host. He is copying all of them.
Caleb following his own dirty hand prints. Kills white robot. Now follows bloody hand prints. Uses own body to fall long way.
Bernard tells C she has to kill the mole or they kill her. It’s a different person every time. Talks to guy that is clearly the guy they saved at the beginning.
C smashes Jay with bottle because he called her his sister.
Caleb records message to Frankie. Maeve kills Jay. Hale behind it all to hear secret to daughter. Snaps his neck when he says the host would rather die than live in her world. Build 279 started.
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