Feb 06 2025 72 mins

Jeff Burns and Ivor Smith together are known as the Fifth Dimension who specialize in giving “magically enhanced presentations” to corporations around the world. In particular, they use magic for safety training sessions. There are many people who are in the business of motivational speaking and training, but few who focus on one area of training by using magic to help employees to remember key safety precepts. They travel the world to train employees with their unique style and method, always networking and making new contacts for the next opportunity.
If you are more of a visual person, then you might enjoy watching our conversation that was recorded over Zoom.
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In this episode, Jeff and Ivor don’t hold back on giving the secrets of their success with tips on how others can replicate their business model. There is enough business in the world to go around to the magic community. They suggest that you don’t have to focus on safety, but there are training seminars that every large corporation puts on for their employees that needs facilitators. So why not use a magician to make those sessions both educational and fun while being memorable, too! One of the takeaways in this podcast is the quote from Jeff who reminds us that when companies cut back on their entertainment budgets, they don’t cut their training budgets. So, there are always opportunities for magicians to get “a piece of the corporate pie” by using magic to train their employees.
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