Easter 02: Stewarding Doubt

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Apr 10 2024

1. Tim preached about the need for our approach to our doubts to be neither indulgent nor avoidant, but to, instead, be creative. He talked about stewarding the tool of doubt.

What experiences do you have with indulging in doubt and avoiding doubt? Tell your group a bit about those parts of your story - or as much of it as you may have to tell at this point in your faith travels. (You’ll get a chance to share about your experiences stewarding your doubt in a bit.)

2. How do you feel about your doubts? How do you feel about the doubts of others? Maybe those closest to you? In what context does doubt feel scariest for you? In what contexts does it feel more approachable?

If you’re unsure of how to answer these questions, perhaps consider that - at times - fear can lead to avoidance. Perhaps considering those “ditches” Tim mentioned: indulgence & avoidance, can help clarify where you might have doubt hiding underneath your acknowledged awareness.

3. What does it mean to steward our doubt? What does that look like? If you were to give advice to a friend about engaging with their doubt, what would you tell them?

What fruit have you either experienced for yourself or seen in the lives of others after intentional engagement with doubt?

Share some stories of big or small instances in which you’ve utilized doubt as a tool (even if you didn’t know that’s what you were doing!). What had come about as a result of this creative engagement with doubt?