May 14 2020 15 mins
Welcome to Waterdeep, our City of Splendors!
This week, join world renown author Volothamp Geddarm as he walks you through history, exploring the cataclysms that nearly wiped Waterdeep (and all magic in existence) off the map. Special thanks to the Sword Coast Museum of Cynosure for allowing us to record on the premises.
Volo’s Waterdeep Enchiridion: A Visitor’s Guide to the City of Splendors is published by Tym Waterdeep Limited in association with the Fellowship of Innkeepers and the Fellowship of Carters and Coachmen.
**I, Volothamp Geddarm, verily attest to the veracity of the words spoken herein.
***Consider any antinomy, jactitation, mendacity, obloquy, pasquinade, parapraxis, traducement, or similar found in this document to be corrigendum, Address all claims of such to:
Abricade Fellswop
Solicitor 17 Mulgomir's Way,
Castle Ward
✨ s t a r r i n g✨
Volothamp “Volo” Geddarm
Professor Chip Melshimber
Scholar Annaliese Mythany
Diviner Yaphyll
Album Art
Music & Foley
Epidemic Sound
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Dungeons & Dragons, Volothamp Geddarm, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, etc. are the intellectual property of @dndwizards, who we love.