Mar 05 2021

Paul with his dear wife, Norma.
Paul serves as the director of Second Half Ministries for the Assemblies of God in Southern California.
We love how he has placed intercessory prayer at the forefront of this ministry. He is not overseeing a bunch of programs and sliding in prayer as an afterthought … he rightfully sees prayer as the hidden steel rebar that holds everything together.
Paul reminds us that God is preparing you today for what He will ask you to do tomorrow. And what better preparation than being part of the vanguard of prayer that moves the hand of God and makes demons tremble.
We love, too, how prayer connects us to younger generations, as we daily call out the names of our grandchildren and others. They want to accept a lit torch from us, not an inanimate baton.
One of the ‘Heritage Heroes’ Paul mentions in this podcast is Steve Asmuth, who happens to be the father-in-law of Perry Hamilton, one of our former YES! board members. You’re invited to join Steve for a sing-along on his Facebook page each Saturday at 10 AM.