Feeding the Soul: Rick + Traci Harvey

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Apr 16 2021

Listen to what God can do through a couple passionate about serving Him AFTER stepping aside from ‘full-time ministry’ positions!

19 years ago Rick & Traci Harvey served a couple Cornish hens from a humble trailer and gave away their first bag of donated clothing, Since then God has multiplied the scope and impact of Soul Food Café Mission in Conway, Arkansas ... through an amazing volunteer workforce made up largely of adults over sixty.


While these adults often initially wonder if they still have something worthwhile to offer, many quickly discover incredible niches of service ... so much more gratifying than sitting at home watching TV! Most of these volunteers ... some in their sixties, seventies, eighties and even nineties ... were raised with a tenacious work ethic. Hard work still suits them well, as they show Christ’s compassion to others.

Now operating out of a 14,400 square foot structure, hundreds are served each week with a hot meal, clothing, haircuts, counseling, and a message from God’s Word.



Rick:  [email protected]

Traci:  [email protected]