Sep 09 2019 65 mins
[Season 6, Post-Finale Celebration] - Withdrawal, denial, grief...There's a Crawley-shaped hole in our Sunday nights, so we're excited that some of our smartest, funniest listeners are helping us deal with Life After Downton Abbey. This 'Very Special Podcast' features your memories, questions and wisecracks about things like: That extremely short period of time when we actually liked Bates; The long and fractious friendship of besties4ever Isobel and Violet; and all those scary appliances, cunning devices, and stylish ladypants that showed us just how inevitable change was. A huge thank you to this show's contributors*, as well as to all of you who listened, tweeted, facebooked, watched the show with us in sparkly headbands, and otherwise supported the podcast for all these years.
Please raise your glasses for a final toast to our beloved Downton Abbey...and to all us crazy fans.
*Thanks to our contributors in order of appearance: Hilary, Jaclyn, Kate, Mike, Jen, Sarah, Paula, Megan, Monica, Valerie, Sara, Vanessa, Melissa, Rebecca, Emily, and Birgit.
Please raise your glasses for a final toast to our beloved Downton Abbey...and to all us crazy fans.
*Thanks to our contributors in order of appearance: Hilary, Jaclyn, Kate, Mike, Jen, Sarah, Paula, Megan, Monica, Valerie, Sara, Vanessa, Melissa, Rebecca, Emily, and Birgit.