Oct 01 2019 62 mins
Peachy Keen visited the home studio of Nashville artist Virginia Griswold on a Sunday morning to chat about her life and work. Starting with the shocking revelation that Griswold was once sent away to an all-girls Catholic school for disciplinary issues and a little family history focusing on women artists, we quickly get into tackling her broad-based postsecondary education.
We discuss Griswold’s early focus on a variety of craft-related media and the related feminist overtones, her five years as a studio technician and instructor at Urban Glass in Brooklyn and her eventual choice to take a more conceptual direction in her work by attending graduate school at Alfred University’s Sculpture/Dimensional Studies program before getting into her current body of work.
Sitting in her studio at a table of works in progress, we explore a variety of topics related to her materials, techniques and themes including combining fiber and ceramics, dyeing using native plants, and postpartem anxiety and the body. If you’re looking to get schooled on a wide variety of three-dimensional materials and techniques, this is your episode.