We took some time off from reading but we’re back at it and a lot of stuff keeps happening in this book where nothing happens. One group makes their way through shadesmar while Kaladin starts making therapy and thinking things are going okay before things go very not okay. We talk about: Zi-O, Gaslight, The Rooms, Metaphor Endgame, We Hate Colorado, Muppet Movie, Pokemon TCG, StageFright, Excalibur, TJPW, Chicago, Nine Sols, Veilgard, Adolin’s Balance Patch, Shallan’s Third Book, A Group Of Patterns, Kaladin’s Therapy, More On Disability, Luke’s Third Eye Moment, The Sibling, Shallan Theories, Horse Dreams, Adolin Cuts Off So Many Heads Off, The Radiants Fall, Toxic Yuri Anticipation, Venli Finds The Line, Everybody Hates Liren, KYS Kaladin, Lift Is Sad, The Dark Patch,v