May 01 2023 134 mins
Hi friends. This one is long. We decided that, after numerous requests, that it was time to do up a response to Mike Winger on this subject. His series has had some impact in the popular Christian sphere and we felt his work merited some correction and faithful push back. While we try to be fair, there are numerous errors throughout his video.
You can find Mike’s video here.
Here is the source on Rebecca Groothius written by Dr. Douglas Groothius, published in Priscilla Papers. Here is the resource written by Allison on “Equating Feminism” that won an award. Be sure to become a patron if that suits you.
For a similarly exhaustive and rather devastating response to Mike, see the series by Andrew Bartlett and Terran Williams right here. They do not respond to Mike’s first video, but they have responded to every subsequent video.
Be sure to share this one widely. Blessings!